I can't believe it's been this long sine I posted. I really need to try to keep track of time more...
It's been a hectic past few weeks, both work wise, and personal wise.
I just turned 24 as well, and had a few people come out for dinner with me on Wednesday, and on Tuesday (my actual birthday), Mum and Dad took me to a French restaurant that I'd been wanting to try. It was awesome, really nice food. I didn't have a huge birthday dinner on Wednesday, about 12 or so people, just close friends really. It was a great night, although I didn't get home until after midnight, and then had to get up for work at 6am, so I was a little tired on Thursday! I got some great stuff as well. Mum and Dad got me Star Wars Force Unleashed for the Wii, and my sister got me the Within Temptation Black Symphony DVD which is of their live concert in Holland. I also got some new shoes from a couple of friends which was good, as I really needed them. Tim got me a wonderful perfume; Intimately Beckham, which smells really good. From other friends I got a bottle of Bubbly, a cute teddy, box of chocolates, and a foam missile thing that I can put on my work desk.
Tim celebrated his birthday yesterday, but as he was unable to get the day off work, we ended up going clubbing to xChange last night and had a few drinks with him, and then in a couple of weeks, we'll have the proper birthday celebrations. It was a good night last night, I went with a friend of mine, Simon. We were the first to arrive, and the last to leave. I got home just as Mum was getting up for work.
Work is busy as usual which is good. I lose track of the weeks sometimes. I've been at GSN for almost 5 months now. Only 1 more week to go until 5 months! I'm still really enjoying it, and they're really happy with how I am going, which is good to know. We're having our reviews hopefully this week too.
I've also seen Max Payne recently. It was good, but a little disappointing, I was expecting more from it.
This week Tim and I are going to work out accommodation for America. It was a touch choice, but since we are not going to get any money back if we cancel flights, we've decided to bite the bullet and go. It's going to be bad with the exchange rate, as we'll lose around 40% to it. As of tonight, $1AU gets us all of 0.63US. This world financial crisis sucks, and since it's world wide, I wonder if it will recover... If it does, how long will it take? I think the losses are currently in the multi-trillions worldwide. Money just seems to vanish. All the governments billion dollar injections are gone a few weeks after. It's terrible. I feel sorry for those who've lost money on the Sharemarket too.
We're also having the most bizarre weather lately. Queensland has had massive flooding, over 350,000 lightning strikes hit in just ONE DAY, and they've had over 250ml of rain over the last few days. Here in Melbourne (Victoria), we had more than our average November rainfall in just 1 day, and below average temperatures all weekend. The temperature has been hovering around 16-18 which is quite cold for late Spring, and it's supposed to be Summer in a week too. It's also been snowing up in the alps! It never snows this late in the year!
A meme, because I haven't done one in a while:
This is taken from
dolce_cantabileOpen the nearest book to page 56.
Write out the fifth sentence on that page, and also the next two to five sentences.
Of course, it didn't surprise me to hear that educated people didn't believe in God, that they were infinitely more interested in science, that the aristocracy was much in ill favour, and so was the Church. These were times of reason, not superstition, and the more he talked, the more I understood. Soon he was outlining the Enclyclopédie, the great compilation of knowledge supervised by Diderot. And then it was the salons he'd gone to, the drinking bouts, his evenings with actresses. He described the public balls at the Palais Royal, where Marie Antoinette appeared right along with the common people.
The Vampire Lestat - by Anne Rice.