Aug 24, 2008 20:02
It's that time of week again! I didn't realise it'd been 2 weeks since my last entry... Lately I have been losing track of it all. It just goes by so quickly these days!
It's been a busy last couple of weeks. I've finally seen The Dark Knight! It was amazing, and I absolutely loved it! At least, now I can say that I've seen it. Most of it's already been said, so I won't repeat the same things as everyone else, but suffice it to say, the characters were great, very well done, and I would definitely see it again.
Work is still very busy. G-Force was good last week, but hellishly busy. At least that's over. Education Day was the most boring thing I've done in a long time... It was 8 hours of lectures... I never even had that at uni! The day after that I went to a couple of seminars, one from the NAB and one from the ATO. Both were actually quite interesting. They're introducing new IVR systems that have ASR which is good. It'll be interesting to see how people go with the Speech Recognition area. I look forward to it all.
I think we got a few more prospective customers which is good. We've signed a couple more deals as well.
Our newly recruited Solutions Engineer is quitting, he got a Research position at Monash Uni, which he's taken. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity, so I'm really happy for him. They've now asked me if I can move more into the development side of our speech systems, which I'm very much looking forward to!
Last week was a friends joint birthday/farewell party. It was a great night, there were a lot of people there, so it was great to mingle. It was a late night, I got home around 4am or so, but I had an awesome time. There were some great photos.
On Thursday night, Tim and I worked out all our flights internally for America. We've booked them and they've also been paid for! Now all we have to do is organise accommodation. I am so excited! It's not for another 4 and a bit months, but it's going to come around very quickly.
On Friday night I went to a friends surprise 21st. It was a good night, although I couldn't stay too late as I had to get the train home. I only knew a few people at the party, but it's always good to meet new people. The best thing was, the guy had no idea anything was planned, so when he arrived to see us all there, he was stoked. On the way home, I got a cab to the train station, the cab driver first didn't know the way, and made me get out his Melways and look it up, and then took me the wrong way, despite me saying that he was going the wrong way. I wasn't very happy at this. It made me miss the train and I had to wait about 25min for the next one.
I went and saw Wanted last night with Tim also. It was pretty good, some nice special effects and stuff. I don't know that I could go and see it again though. Maybe on DVD one day. It was also quite a violent movie. On the way back to Tim's place, after finally getting a cab, the cab driver receives a call on his phone, and then actually proceeded to answer it! To make it worse, he then ran a red light. I've taken down his driver number and will be ringing and making a complaint, because that's just not on.
Nothing much else has really been happening lately. Things are running pretty smoothly for the most part, it's also a pretty busy time of year. On a whole, I'm enjoying life and things are going well.