Sep 22, 2009 15:51
In line with my previous post I wanted to post some Personal heroes of mine both from Fiction and Real life...... complete with reasons why..
Not in order
1) John Constantine:
Although not something I would want my kids to look up to. I just figured out last night why I like this guy so much. He is the Occult Super Soldier. he has literally looked the Devil and Hell in the face and said fuck you. His knowledge of the occult and magic are legendary and he pretty much is the "guy" to go to when it comes to magick and occultism. The jaded outlook on life he has is because of the countless battles he has fought against hell and the supernatural. So whats there not to love in him! heheheh
2) President Obama
I honestly dont give two shits about all the political propaganda people are using against MY president. ALL i can say is that he is the MAN. the MAN who said to the WHOLE ENTIRE FUCKING WORLD my favorite phrase. IMPOSSIBLE NOTHING!!!!! Years ago people would said There will NEVER be a black president of the US. Im so honored that he took those words and shoved them up the world collective ass. He was the man who made the entire world believe that there is NOTHING that is impossible. ANd because of that I Honor this man as MY PRESIDENT.
3) Franz Bardon
In the real world. He had the mastery of the magick that i continue to immerse myself in. THe most beautiful thing was that he did not go Crowley on the world and even allowed himself to die before giving his secrets to the Nazi war party. He will be the master of masters in my book and hence I give my honor to Franz Bardon.. My occult Hero
4) Captain America
Think of the word Leader, Father, Commander, and Hero. Captain america is it. He lived with all the ideals, values and conviction that I myself would want in a leader.. and even died for them. For that he is my Comic Hero
5) Al Gore
This is the man who said to the world.. Ok you take my presidency from me... and ill help not just save the United states. but the entire world. .In spite of his unfair loss to the bushwacker Al Gore still fought to make a difference in terms of enviromentalism. And because of that He was granted a prize that Bush will never even be considered for. The Nobel Prize. And for that I grant him my Uncrowned King Hero status
6) Gandhi
Proved that peace can be the the way.. although I do not adhere to his philosophy. I must say he is the last avatar we have seen.
7) Siddharta Gotama
give me a palace, a kingdom, an empire. And a choice.. between being a war hero or a spiritual savior. And he chose the latter. Whats not to admire in this man? He deseves the title of my Buddha.
8) Magneto
Totally misunderstood. Yeah his means are rather dark. but he represents a reality. A reality that Apathy and LVX can not solve everything. Sometimes you need to take a stand and fight back against oppression and injustice. He is recognized as a Hero amongst his entire species even if his methods are always questionale. He therefore deserves the status of my Necessary Evil
9) Jesus Christ
The man who died for us all.. He will be known always as my savior.