Feb 18, 2004 21:33
Now that I have my coffee, I would like to watch Radar....Where is it?
I'm in a good mood today, finally. I don't know why because I feel like crap. My belly has been hurting all day, I think I have ulcers...damn alcohol!! I'd hate to know the condition of my liver after all the drinking I've done. I need a beer.
Well, my deathtrap (car) is messed up AGAIN! Ever since I went down that damn dirt road in Middleburg to get my sister it makes funny clicking noises when I turn. CV Joint maybe? I'm just waiting for the poor thing to explode. I've been thinking about pushing it off a cliff, but I got an idea from Real TV on Spike Network. I'm going to leave it on some rail-road tracks and film it getting smashed by a high speed train. A little more interesting. I've become addicted to this stupid game on PS2 called Harvest Moon. Basically you have a farm and you raise animals and make some slut fall in love with you, pay lots of money for house extensions then get married and have a kid then game over. It's absolutely retarded but I cant stop playing!
I've been out trying to find a job for days now. I must have filled out 100 applications. Anybody need a maid or something??? I'm going to go crazy if I dont start working soon. I miss working, I miss being busy all the time and having money in my pocket and not having to worry if I will have cigarettes and gas tomorrow. And I miss my daily burger king diet. *Drools* Oh what I'd give for a double cheese burger with onion rings and that spicy sauce.... I swear I felt healthier when I ate like that every day. But maybe it was the constant moving around and lifting that kept me in shape and feeling good, rather than 529 calories out of each bite. But what good, delicious calories...yummm.. Haha. My bestfriend moved back in next door, it's really nice having her around again. I have somebody to talk to and laugh with every day. We went to the gym together yesterday, it was fun. We didn't work out much because we kept making fun of each other on the treadmills. Haha..gasping for air, desperate for a cigarette and a twinkie. I'm going to try and keep going though, I plan on being in shape & tone before Summer rolls around. I want a tan also.. you know you're too white when you turn on a black light and you're the only thing glowing.
As bad as this year has been so far, I have a feeling that it will be better. I think the rest of the year will be pretty decent. If I stick with all my goals, and succeed, then this year will be great. I have a lot of goals to accomplish this year, but they are somewhat reasonable. As long as I have a job, a new car, money in the bank, and I'm in school before the end of the year, I will be satisfied. I've been sitting on my ass for too long, ever since my house burned down I've had no motivation. Felt it was pointless to try and accomplish anything. But now that I'm a useless bum, I've realized it's time to get back on my feet and out on my own again. Responsibility is a bitch, but it makes me happy. Is that wrong?