So I wrote my spam, finished up some work, and went the hell home at 2:30. At which point I slept the sleep of the Sudafed-enhanced Dead.
Woke up to go EEEEEE! My Big Gay Boat Movie DVD is here! EEEEE!
almejor RULZ! EEEEE! Oooo. Deleted scenes. Oooo, Peter Weir echoing my PO'B addiction. ("So there I was in Washington, desperately looking for a bookshop that carried the O'Brian series and I went in and asked, 'Excuse me, do you have Book 10? OH THANK YOU! A brown paper bag would be fine.' And I continue on my way. It's an addiction") I'm sorry, I'll just be a puddle now. *melts* On the other hand, what's up with the no commentary? I knew there wasn't going to be one, but I'm still a little pissy about it.
Ate dinner, cleaned house, finished reading Master & Commander, slept more.
Now Carls will be in town tonight (EEEEE!) and tomorrow night I'm going to see a double feature at the Brew 'n' View. Return of the King and Kill Bill Vol. 1. BnV? I lurve you. Oh, and after will probably head over to Carol's to hang with the post-play people.
Is work now.
thomas_pullings posted! *loves holding_fast community*