And, naturally, Diet Coke. The iTunes promotion is over, so no more Diet Pepsi for me! Yay! Then again, no more free songs either. Boo!
New book! Yay!
Treason's Harbour
We last left Our Boys triumphant on the sinking decks of Turkish Pirate Guy's ship. Pullings managed to get a narsty facial wound from forehead to right cheek, but Stephen sewed his nose back on and says it should heal up real nice. The upside is that in recompense for his sacrifice, he gets promoted! To Captain! Of no ship just yet, but Captain! Woooo! Party!
Jack and company are available to party hardy with Capt. Pullings because both Surprise and Woooooorcester are in dock for repairs, and Jack has to supervise the refitting of both, which is taking FOR. EV. ER. Still, Jack is in good standing because the little dust up with Turkish Pirate Guy was just what the Sultanite needed at the moment, so Turkey is totally on the side of the British, and the British are very happy with Jack. Go Jack!
On the afternoon Pullings is promoted, Our Boys are living it up at an outdoor cafe and are being spied on by the French from a little disused steeple.
French Spy #1: I hate the English Peegdogs.
French Spy #2: Me too, for I am very French.
FS1: You see the skinny little guy in the dirty coat?
FS2: I hate him already.
FS1: Good, because he's a badass spy and was responsible for lots of French Spy Deaths.
FS2: He can't *possibly* be a spy. Just look at him!
FS1: He's totally a spy.
Stephen: This conversation is boring. I shall look at that little disused steeple for a while.
Stephen: I'll bet Maltese bats nest there. I haven't seen nearly my share of Maltese bats. Maybe if I stare very hard.
FS2: Ok. I believe you. He's a badass.
Stephen: Maybe I'll go up there later to study. Now I shall stare at Jack.
FS1: He didn't see us, he only suspects. Now, to get close to him I have a clever plan.
FS2: Do tell!
FS1: Well, you see the big, fat, loud captain?
FS2: Yup.
FS1: They're never apart. We get to the captain, we get to the spy.
FS2: Awesome. How are we getting to the captain?
FS1: *puts on hat of exposition* We have discovered that he likes women. Also the opera. He wants to learn Italian. We have enlisted the services of a Mrs. Fielding whose husband we have in captivity dependant on her cooperation. She will offer herself as a tutor, and maybe MORE, to the captain, and try to seduce the spy as well. Then we will know EVERYTHING. For we are French.
FS2: Is that her walking towards the cafe with that simply enormous dog?
Mrs. Fielding: Hello. I am your new tutor.
Jack: I am very late for a meeting. May Stephen walk you back?
Mrs. Fielding: Why yes! Nothing better! But you should come over for your lesson tonight. *HINT!* Bring your violin and we could have a... rehearsal...
Jack: *oblivious* Excellent! See you later! *BOUND!*
Stephen: Allow me to take your arm.
Mrs. F: Oh, Doctor! You are so strong and handsome and funny!
Stephen: Um. Thanks. *internal monologue* Dude. She's totally a spybait. Oh, well. I am lonely and horny and bored and way too smart to get caught. Let's play this out and I might get revenge on the French anyway. And score with this hott chick! Bonus!
Anyway, Jack is off to attend meetings and stuff, but then there's a party to celebrate Pullings's new captain-ness. Pullings gets *trashed*, and Bonden shows up just in time to carry him home. Jack gets home, has Killick put Tom to bed, grabs his fiddle then heads straight back out to Spybait's house. No one appears to be home. At all. So Jack waits in the garden, assuming someone will be home shortly. But he hears this unhappy sound. Spybait's HUGE dog is trapped in a cistern. There's just enough water for him to float, but not enough for him to reach the top, and he's beaten his paws bloody trying to get out. Jack doesn't hate dogs, so he reaches down, grabs the dogs collar to help it out and *WHOAAAA!* falls into the cistern with the dog.
There's nothing for it. Jack tosses the dog out of the cistern and bounds out after it. So now he's dripping wet with the dripping dog in the middle of a garden that has mysteriously filled with people who assume he's there to get it on with Spybait. Plus the dog LOVES Jack now.
So, everyone in town thinks Jack and Spybait are getting it on, which they aren't, and wherever Jack goes, the dog finds him and starts whapping it's tail so fast that things are broken, then jumps on Jack (this is a big dog, and his front paws rest on Jack's shoulders) and leads him back to Spybait, leaving Killick to pay for whatever the dog has broken. Poor Jack. Poor Spybait. Poor Killick.
Poor Pullings. He has a monstrous hangover.
Don't know what's become of Stephen yet.