Lunch is notwork time.

Mar 09, 2004 12:20

I've done some of the mountain of work, but only one of my 9 items to do today is crossed off. Damn work.

Anyway, finished American Gods last night. Awesome. I thoroughly approve. And my books arrived, too! Yay! Started in on The Fortune of War immediately. Your daily spam is on the way, and it's much more cheering today.

But first, life updates. Took the running to a new level today and it kicked. my. ass. My body keeps saying, "We were HAPPY with the 12 minute mile! Why must we do it in *10* minutes? WHY?" And I steadily reason with it, "If we cannot do a 10 minute mile, how will we ever get down to 8?" "**8**??!!!" "There, there." "Waaaaaah!"

I will soon not die after my run. I have said it. It shall be so.

It's become a requirement to do laundry tonight no matter what happens today. I can't walk in my apartment for the dirty clothes. It's sad.

The Fortune of War

Our Boys made it through the Antarctic in fine form, and even stopped off in Botany Bay, which is where Stephen acquired several wombats. Jack dislikes the wombats, mostly because they keep eating his clothes.

Jack: Stephen! It's eating my epaulets!
Stephen: Don't worry. They won't hurt him.

They've made it to port, finally, and Leopard is just about to fall apart. You know that bit in Pirates of the Carribean where Jack Sparrow walks off the mast of his sinking ship? Like that. Except our Jack has enough hands to keep pumping so they don't sink on their triumphant entrance. Jack leaves the ship in what ceremony he can muster and goes to see the Admiral. (not the Admiral of Mauritius, but a new one, one Jack is friends with)

Admiral: Jack! So glad to see you aren't dead!
Jack: The feeling is mutual.
Admiral: What happened to your ship?
Jack: You know. Cannons. Storms. Iceburgs. Wombats.
Admiral: Yes, yes. Say, would you mind terribly if I took all of your crew and put you on a seperate boat? You could keep your surgeon-
Jack: No. I want all of my crew to stay with me.
Admiral: Well, I'm the Admiral.
Jack: Well, I'm their captain, and they almost died for me.
Admiral: The Navy is on my side.
Jack: No! The Navy is on my side.
Admiral: Fuck the Navy!
Jack: Fuck the Navy, indeed!
Admiral: *fume*
Jack: *fume*
Admiral: Fine, I'll let you keep your officers, and most of your crew, and maybe your coxswain-
Jack: Especially my coxswain.
Admiral: You just like saying coxswain.
Jack: You've found me out.
Admiral: Say. You've just got back from a nasty voyage. Fancy a game of cricket?
Jack: Do I? *BOUND* *grabs an eleven from the ship*

Jack: Now, Stephen, do you know how to play cricket?
Stephen: Sure, sure. There's bats and balls, right? I'm an ace. Hey! Look at the cassowaries!

The game proceeds apace, the Admiral's team is winning, and Stephen comes to bat. He's carved himself a hurler instead of a cricket bat. Apparently he was an all-state hurling champion. There's some sporty things going on, then Stephen does something spectacular with his hurler which either wins the game in one stunning move or loses it in a humiliating fashion. It's hard to tell. I don't know anything about cricket.

Anyway, they end up on a new ship, dining with a new captain and Jack has his wittycap on. All should tremble at the approach of Jack's wittycap. He makes the joke they show in the movie (don't recite it! Min hasn't seen it yet!) which is probably the funniest intentional joke Jack ever makes, but before this, they're discussing Stephen's specimens and the difficult times they had getting them on board.

New Captain: You have quite a collection doctor. I noticed you had some difficulty getting things on board.
Stephen: Quite. The sailors were rather drunk and kept stepping in my egg baskets. Fortunately not all of them broke.
Jack: *stifles giggles* And you know why that is?
NC: Why?
Jack: Stephen didn't put all his eggs in the same basket! Bwahahahahaha!
Stephen: *blank* No. I had seperate baskets for different species of eggs.
Jack: Get it? Get it? It's like the saying! *laughing so hard cannot breathe*
NC: *small smile* Yes. Indeed. Which species did you collect?
Stephen: Oh, ever so many! Albatross, penguin, pigeon, um, Jack are you okay?
Jack: But you didn't put them in the same basket, did you? Did you?
Stephen: No.
Jack: Well there you are, then! I'm writing to Sophie about that! My wit is totally on tonight! I am so smart!
NC: Yes.
Stephen: Of course you are.

Oh, Jack. You are so not clever.
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