
Nov 30, 2006 21:25

havent written in here for a minute

school has been alright

im finally done next friday

no more goddamn marching to school and all that gay stuff

i also got my permanent orders today. im not stuck here in lemoore for 3 years wooo....

peacock left on tuesday for his duty station in mirimar which is a marine base 5 minutes away from san diego....
it was sad

but like i said i got my orders today and im going to mirimar too. hahah its crazy as fuck. they are like 2 sailors for every 4568456 marines on that base but thats where im a going. its beacuse when i got here i was on hold for 2 months before school started and i worked in an office with my coordinator and he gave me the hook up with good ass orders. holllaaaa.

so i might live happily ever after with mr peacock.
haha i lost my 'flower' to him a few weeks ago.
who woulda thunk id finally do that.

if anyone watched the news today it was all over CNN that a jet crashed in california. it crashed in mirimar... and it was attached to the squadron im going to.. hmm!

and i cant come home for christmas cos ill only get 9 days of leave so fuck that shit im just gonna wait it out and come home in february right after c school is overrrrr k bye jerks i hate you all
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