This isn't how I expected things to go

Oct 02, 2007 12:26

I want nothing more from life than happiness. I don't care if I'm poor, I don't care if I live on the streets, I don't care if I have to beg for change just to get a pack of cigarettes. I'd be perfectly happy living out of a dumpster if I had to and stealing food from the nearest grocery store. I have that dignity, that kind of dignity everyone should have.

I need to get the fuck out of here. I'm going crazy, I just need a little vacation, a vacation from everyone. I want to drive up in the mountains all by myself and stay there for a few days and not even tell anyone. I never get any time to myself, I think that's why I'm so irritable all the time. I'm constantly on edge and anything people say can set me off.
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