(no subject)

Mar 15, 2007 15:49

I will never understand people. The more I look at the people I know, or the more I read from people I know, or the more I hear about people, even people I don't know, I realize how different they are. It almost seems like they forgot where they came from. I see so many people who grew up poor and they go on and succeed in life and do great things, but I think most of them have forgotten how things used to be. A lot of people were poor when they were younger, such as myself, and they had to watch all of their friends play with cool toys or the newest video game and they would get jealous. I had a Nintendo that was given to my parents so they could give it to me for Christmas, they weren't able to afford a new game for me for almost 3 years so I was stuck beating Super Mario Bros. everyday while all of my other friends were talking about the newest game their parents bought them. I had a black and white TV in my bedroom for my Nintendo, some of my other friends had a bigger TV in their bedroom than my parents had in their living room. I didn't get new games for my Nintendo until Super Nintendo came out and the prices for regular Nintendo games were reduced. I look around and see people who grew up the same way and now live a luxurious life compared to how it was before. It seems as if after people grow up they forget how their life used to be. These days everyone wants to eat at the fanciest restaurants, wear expensive clothing, live in the nicest and biggest house, buy the most expensive car, etc etc. I don't understand it though because all restaurants have food, be happy you're eating. All clothes cover your body, be happy you can wear something different everyday. All houses keep a roof over your head, the only reason you need a house is so you have a place to live. Why does everyone insist on buying "nice" things? I've learned over the years that if you have something and it works then keep using it. If your clothes still cover your body, your shoes still cover your feet, your car runs, your house keeps you warm and all food fills your stomach. After thinking about this, because I've been doing it a lot lately, I decided not to spend money on things I don't really need. In the last 4 years I have only spent about $200 in clothing, I know people who spend that much in one shopping trip. Of course on occasion I will buy a movie or a new video game or new clothes...maybe, but that doesn't mean I'm going to do it all the time like other people. Everyone should be happy with what they have.
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