its zackary!!!!!

Jun 19, 2007 18:29

ok so Im still in the hospital but its ok. Im doing fine so dont worrie. Ive got a laptop from childlife so I will be online more often but hopefully I will go home soon. So hmm what to say..... oh I know everybody thinks i got adhd so I gotta get checked out for that(yay!) I need to start therapy again before i spontaniously combust. Ive been having the damn urge to cut since like april I just cant do it cause 1. i forgot my wallet with my razor in it an 2. i think theyd wanna know how all those neat little lines appeared on my arm/wrist. Suicide has been on my mind alot an just the whole cutting an stuff too. Yesterday I got some bad news that this girl thats been livin with us for a year commited suicide yesterday. My moms grandson(her on again off again bf) found her dead. She turned on the gas stove took ALL her pills an hung herself so yea. She was like my big sister we got along so well n everything. She was bipoler/skizto effective so I think that she was cycling an just hit bottom cause suicide is not her at all but yea. ANYWAY!! I jus wanted to let yall know that Im ok n stuff an if you need/want me comment/email/call me
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