Oh hai there :D

Apr 26, 2010 20:27

I'm working on a new fic :D (U-Kiss, of course)
I said this on Tumblr, but I didn't say anything here (iThink) so I'll do it now.
It's going to be a multi-chaptered fic, since I have to practice slowing down the plot.

I just finished the prologue.
I actually got through about 1 and 1/3 chapters before realizing a lot of detail is missing.
I said on Tumblr that I was going to wait until it was finished before posting it to the comm, but I would still be posting it on my page...
Should I still do that?

I'm in the process of looking for people to proofread it so that it won't be so much of a fail.

It's a high school situation (killmenow), so I hope you like it.

It's SATs this week, and I have a buttload of projects to do. D< Hopefully I'll be able to finish Chapter 2, get what I have so far proof'd, and upload it here...

Wish me luck <3

life, update, new, fic

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