An ode to Zhy Kitty

Nov 07, 2006 22:45

An ode to Zhy Kitty ..
She's long forgotten about me
She doesn't need me
Surrounded by her own friends
I'm not dignified anymore
I can't say I didn't call
I say I love you

Don't give that girl a gun
I said now don't give Zky Kitty a gun
She's already one

I made the best online connection
She says I went astray
Led me right back to the wolves
Led me back to the father
I jumped ship abandoned all hope

But oh how the mighty fall
I saw her crack a smile
I never stood a chance for redemption
She was my only salvation
From Alex's sluty hoe fan club

So take the first shot baby it'll be real clean
Shoot L'aggar in the head
Only you can do it
I'm your girl, strong and mean
Second shot baby it'll be real cool
I'm your second in command

I said now don't give that girl a gun
I said now don't give Zhy Kitty a gun
She's already one

I said hold me closer
Cause somethings happening
Why can't we come together again
She said I doubt we ever will
Ever will again

I said now dont give that girl a gun
Shes already one

Indigo Girls - "Don't give Zky Kitty a gun"
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