Last Journal entry for TWO MONTHS!

Jun 15, 2004 08:42

1. Assuming that you don't have a significant other currently, two people fall in love with you and both want your hand in marriage. They are both nice people but you can only choose one. So, how would you let the one you haven't chosen know that there isn't any love for him (or her depending on your preference because I don't know!) without making his/her world fall down?
- Honey, don't cry, just cause we aren't married doesn't mean we can't have an affair :)

2. What genre of movie is better for a first date? Comedy, Drama or Horror?
- Anything that's sort of unique and will show a bit of personality. So you get to learn something about the other person, interests, sense of humor...ect

3. So, a rumor has been started about you which is completely untrue and, of all people, it was started by someone you believed to be your friend. Do you confront this friend calmly and rationally or do you start being catty and, eventually, just slap him/her upside the head?
- Nah, I take a hit out on them :) The benefits of a cult!

4. Is there a celebrity that you identify with? If so, who is this celebrity and why do you identify with him/her?
- I don't know much about celebrity background, it's not like any of the invited me out for a cup of coffee. But I think Angelina Jolie has alot of cool ideas about the world that, at least stuff she tells the press, that I think are cool ... though I by no means identify with her because it's stupid to identify with someone you don't know ...

5. They are making your life into a movie and you have some creative involvement. What kind of movie is it? Who plays you in the movie, your significant other and your best friend?
- A parody or dark comedy a la monty python/black adder where it has smart subtle humor, beautiful artistic scenerios, and with one random guy running through the script without anyone ever finding out what the hell he has to do with the movie. My symbol of God ...

6. Decorate your ideal bedroom in detail from floor to ceiling.
- A soothing blue color, a bed with colomn things, and like a thin ethereal purple draping overtop, and the bed with have like blues, and purples' and reds, and lots of pillows. I'd put up lots of impressionistic paintings and I guess something along those lines, whimsical, ethereal, some place I can feel comfortable sleeping ...

7. What is more gross? Being stalked by an unclean individual you can smell from a mile away and who likes to collect underwear before they've been clean or finding a fingernail in your salad in a restaurant?
- Stalked, cause the staulker might end up like killing me ... and that's err ... gross?

8. If you could go back in time to witness a historical event, which one would it be?
- The beginning of the world, I want to see how long it really took God!

9. If there was one article of clothing you could go without for the rest of your life, what would it be?
- erm ... hmm ... if I lived somewhere warm shoes and socks! I love bare feet!

10. Where was your favorite place to hide as a child, either in games or just from your parents to be a brat?
- cupboards, I was wittle, heh ...

11. Do you still have a favorite toy or other article left over from childhood that you keep wherever you are?
- I had a pair of pants with mickey mouse on them but mommy threw them out, that bitch! I think I still have a blanket, we moved alot so I lost lots of shit ...

12. You have the option to live forever, but your family doesn't. Would you still take the chance?
- Unless there's a hot vampy boyfriend involved, I don't think so. Life is a bad record, why play it over and over again?

13. Would you rather write your own poetry, or read someone else's?
- I like to write but it's not good so read ...

14. What is the ONE thing in your life that you just HAVE to accomplish before you die?
- A threesome. Hah! Kidding. I guess I want to live my life in an unusual way. It's not exactly one thing, but it's something I want to accomplish, I don't want an ordinary existance, I want something I can tell my grandkids and have them actually be interested ...

15. You have the choice between a winning a new car, or winning a new house. Which do you choose and why?
- New house, duh!

16. What is your guilty pleasure that you would HATE to admit to your friends in the following categories? Movies? Music? Television?
- I'm really a man, oh wait sorry, you said movie .. erm ... scratch last part :)

17. Your favorite article of clothing? Favorite outfit?
- My pajamas, no bra, no undies, no shoes, over sized clothing I can move in! Rock on! But sometimes I like wearing loose pair of pants and my bathing suit top cause it's so comfy, and air and sehxy!

18. When was the last time you looked in the mirror and thought you were the single hottest bitch alive? What were you wearing? Where were you going?
- My red and black dress with the slutty shoes, oh yeah, sehxy biatch!

19. When you were little, what did you dream of becoming? Why, and have you achieved it, or are you on your way to achieving it?
- The usual response: vet, archealogist, teacher ... though for a short period I thought about becoming a mortician or those dudes that put make up on the dead ... actually I still want to do that ... if this whole graphic designer thing doesn't pan out :)

20. Your favorite person in the whole entire world is...and why?
- I can't choose between my mom and megan. My mom taught me somehow she knows stuff about me I never said a thing about, it's creepy. Plus, I know she'll always be there for me. Megan, well that's the one person (apart from maybe my mom and brother), I trust completely. And with all the shitty friendships I've had, that's not easy.

21. If you could have a conversation with an animal, what animal would it be, what would you ask it?
- Well, if she was still alive, my old hamster, I want to ask her if I treated her o.k and if she ever regreted living with me. If not, hmmmmmm, maybe a cockroach, I want to know where he'll be at the end of the world, and if I could join him :)

22. Is there a time when it is okay for love to hurt?
- Yeah, I'm a masochist :)

23. Who is the last person you apolgized to, and what did you apologize for?
- I apologized to my mother for my brother being a fucktard and for forcing me to call him that :) -lol- less of an appology and more of a sarcastic remark but it counts dammit!

24. Change one thing about yourself. Either inside or outside, what would you change and why that particular thing.
- On the outside, I don't know, maybe my nose, it's always bothered me a little. On the inside, hmmm, my paranoid delusions?

25, Is there a Santa Clause?
- Yeah I so the bastard kissing mommy, so I shot him, so I guess no there isn't any more :)

26. If you were raped, would you have the baby or abort it? What if you knew it had contracted HIV?
- If I knew it had HIV I'd abord because most likely it would die soon, anyway. If it didn't, I don't know, depends how strong I was and how much I recovered from the rape, if I become somewhat at peace with it than yeah I'd have the baby, assuming I was ready for a baby, I mean it's not the baby's fault right ... and assuming that I'd imagine how I felt if my mom had been raped, if I can deal with it than yeah ... it's a big decision ...

27. If you could go back in time and change a lie you once told, would you? What was it and who did you tell it to?
- I usually only tell small lies, but I had one big fight with my mom (ever) and the way I acted I guess was a lie and it made her cry, that sound, it'll always be with me, it taught me not be such a fucking brat ...

28. If you could pick one season for it to be all year long, which one would it be and why?
- Spring, everything is blooming, it's not too cold or too warm, and after winter everything just feel new and happy ... plus it's my birthday!

29. If you could only eat one food group for one year, which one would it be?
- Dairy!

30. What is one thing you have often thought about doing that you would normally not admit to anyone?
- Sex, violence, not random things I'd bring up in a normal conversation. Once I thought about suicide, I don't talk about that either, but that's only once, so doesn't count I guess. I dunno ...

31. If you could pick an age to stay for the rest of your life, what age would it be and why was this age significant in your life?
- 7, I had a pack of boys following me, I was soo cute you'd believe anything, and school was drawing. It was a great time before I moved to Canada, found out children can be cruel and that highschool really is hell ... :)

32. Do you believe in providing teens with birth control before they're married? Why or why not?
- Yeah, most will do it anyway, and most aren't ready for a baby so why punish an unborn child, just teach them about birth control, about condoms and about not fucking up their life with a baby or HIV. I mean it should go along with the whole "be mature enough for sex talk" but you know, yeah.

33. Wanna give away your full name? (not your last, just first and middle)
- Technically, Ruxandra Maria ... yeah Maria is my second name :)

34. Republican or Democrat or Liberal?
- Whichever has the best idea, I'm not really into labels like that.

35. What's your take on the war in Iraq? Should our boys still be there, or bring them home?
- The war is such a complicated mess. Generally, I'm not for war, but I also know you can't turn your back on a dictator. So I don't know, I think maybe it was a good idea but I don't like all the shit I keep hearing that's happening. Now, however, that you went in you can't just leave and expect everything to work, if they leave too soon just another dictator would come into power and it would have all been a waste. I think people have to realize it's gonna take a long time before things get fixed, and I think the bush administration really fucked up in alot of ways ... I think they had good intentions but it's like every day you find out they lied about something else ... now I know that's like every other administration but fuck it's become the running joke of the world ... usa is the most powerful country, and now the gov it either hated or a big joke ... that's SO not good ...

36. What is your favorite genre of book? music? movie? theater?
- Book: Historical Fiction/Fantasy. Music: Rock/Alternative. Movie: Dark Comedy/Parody.

37. Who is your closest friend online? Anyone in particular you admire online? Who introduced you to chat?
- Hmm. Liz at the moment, cause we talk like every day. I've had lots of close friends though. And there are lots I wish I'd gotten to know better :) And my bro introduced me to chathouse ...

38. Name your favorite comedian.
- I don't really have one, but there are lots of "characters" I really find funny. Blackadder being my favorite, I love his sarcastic bitting humor.

39. You get one last meal before your life ends, what's that meal going to consist of?
- Cheesecake, and potatoes ... and salamon with red wine... yum ... oh and some more cheesecake ...

40. Would you prefer to give flowers or to get flowers?
- Getting I guess, cause their purty ...

41. Where would you choose to live if you could live anywhere in the world?
- Japan or France

42. You just won a million dollars. Name the first five things you are going to spend it on.
- I'd buy one appartment in France and one in Japan and travel between the two, and the rest in investements so I'd make money :)

43. Take us on a tour of your closet, right now!
- Well, BOB!, it's just super! I guess regular shit. Jeans, t-shirts, two dresses, two skirts I never wore, three sweaters, some baggy t-shirts I bum around it ... about it ...

44. What's the one possession you have that you cannot live without?
- "Computer. So easy." Have to agree :) Unless you don't count like food, shelter, water -lol-

45. What's in your fridge?
- Food? What the fuck do you expect?

44. Mean Girls or Troy? Which would you rather see at the movies?
- Kill Bill. Anime gore made real ... oh yeah!

45. If you were a pro skier, would it be snow or water? Why?
- Water. I like water. I've had unhappy, painfull, experiences with skiing :)

46. Are you a stormchaser, storm watcher, or one who runs at the first sign of bad storms? Why?
- Storm Watcher, I love 'em ... they just make me feel alive and awed and it's just preety

47. Do you believe in the supernatural? Why or why not?
- You know that saying "more things between heaven and earth ...". I think anything is preety much possible out there, but I won't live my life in fear because vampires might exist if you get my drift ...

48. What is currently hanging up on your bedroom wall?
- Some charcoal sketches I've done, a huge taoist landscape poster, some posters of anime (lain, totoro, bebop,NGE), erm a cool peacock poster I got in this french church, and another with a girl drinking milk with cats around her (also in the same church), and finally some pictures from the Changeling book that I photocopied.

49. Do you have any tattoos, if yes what are they, if no why not?
- No, but I plan to get two preety soon. A small handprint with Megan, and a lizard crawling on my shoulder or hip ... not sure which yet :)

50. What is the worst gift you have ever been given?
- Pamphlets for breast cancer, thanks dale and amanda! -lmao- kidding that was the best!

51. Do you shave regularly? I do a combo of stuff. Wax, little machine thing and shave ...

52. If you had the "perfect" job...what would it be...and why would it be perfect?
- Hmmm, I dunno, if I was good at it a director because I think I'd really love being behind the whole thing and making it all come true. I mean to me the perfect job isn't about doing as little as possible for as much money as possible but doing something I really love that'd satisfy me. I dunno though, it's a hard choice, ooo I know ... the dalai lama's groupie! -lmao-

53. What gets you annoyed??
- The fact I have nothing better to do than this long ass questionair, oh and humans, hate those bastards -nods-

54, What is the first thing you notice about someone you just met?
- Personality, probably, if we click, sense of humor, shit like that. Of cours unconciously I probably notice their booty, boy or girl, and no I don't mean I'm a big lesbo, I mean I just notice how someone looks, whether they are attractive shit like that, I think everyone does.

55. What do you like on your pizza?
- Not much of a pizza person ... all that was served in grade school ... I'm done with it!

56. If you had to either give up your computer or your cable for six months, which one would it be?
- Cable, I download shit off the net anyway, and I'm actually not gonna have cable when I move in my own place so I've already made that decision.

57. Would you rather eat french toast or french fries?
- Haven't had french toast in a long time, so maybe that, cause I had french fries yesterday!

58. How many times a week do you have sex?
- With myself or someone else -lmao- aha didn't expect that answer did you! None, still a virgin, I plan to remedy that though!

59. How many times a week do you want to have sex?
- If it's with a boyfriend, and he's good in bed, lots I guess, as many times as I'm in the mood ... I don't want to waste any youthfull energy :)

60. How many kids do you want to have?
- If I have kids, two or three is a nice number. But I might adopt too ...

61. Who should make more, the President or an NBA player?
- Definatly, Me?

62. Who should make more, our teachers or our doctors?
- Doctors I guess, but not just the ones in private practice you know ...

63. If you could have a life either filled with surprises but also one that would include pain as well as joy or a life with no surprises, just a steady contentment, which would you choose and why?
- Definatly surprises, but I'm also preety at peace with myself so it doesn't mean I'd break to pieces everytime you know ...

64. If you could either be outstandingly beautiful or possess the most brillant mind in the world, which would it be and why?
- Outstandling beautiful, would get me sex, but with brillant mind I could take over the world and have lots of whores ... ooo I know! -lol-

65. Favorite childhood memory? Why?
- When I was four I memorized these bunch of poems and put on a little show for my family, it was awesome, I was not self-concious at all, I loved me as a kid, I'm trying to become that again ...

66. Something that scared you the most when you were little would be?
- Scared of stuff I don't want to talk about. But also this one movie where I saw when I was 5, this dog ate this dude, it freaked the shit out of me ...

67. Favorite birthday present? Why?
- I've gotten lots of shit I love. My brother bought me this huge painting of a horse, I love it!

68. Favorite Holiday? Why?
- I'd like to say Christmas cause of the food and presence but the fact they play those fucking jingles at the mall monthes before and after ... well it's just not worth it ...

69. What states have you lived in? Which was your favorite?
- Favorite place I've lived in is Vancouver, hands down, but since I just moved to the U.S and I've only been in Michigan which I don't particularly like, I dunno, I'll have to see more to know ...

70. Your idea of the ideal mate for YOU?
- Someone I can trust completely, someone I know won't fuck me over in any way, someone that will take care of me when I have a cold and look all gross and then when I get better still sweep me off my feet for some sex. Someone that I can share my dreams of the future with, someone intelligent that will keep me interested, someone who isn't possesive, who has his own life outside of the one with me so that he won't be clingy, who has a streak of adventure in them and won't settle for a boring existence, who feels deeply about life, who has a dark sense of humor, who can kick back on the couch with me and watch a movie, who loves art and literature. Someone who has met my family and doesn't run, who understands it takes more for us to be together than great sex, who isn't materialistic but won't expect me to live in the cabin in the woods. Someone who will get up in the middle of the night to kill a bug for me, someone I can have discussions with not just arguments, but that when we fight we can make up too. Someone who doesn't take their anger out on me, because they had a bad day, but knows that when he comes home I'll be extra nice to him because he's had a bad day. I'll probably marry someone like this but I just fucking know I'll keep falling for the wrong boys before, -le sigh, I have such a weakness for bad intense boys, but you know you can't marry 'em, dagnabit ...

71. If there was one thing you could say to one person, (be it best friend, sister, husband, bf/gf, mom, dad, sibling, or another of your choosing What would it be and why? (If you are able to say so that is.)

Best Friend: Thanks for the sex :)
Brother: Stop being so fucking bossy, I love you but it's pissing me off!
Dad: I forgive you, and thanks for pushing me to loving books ...
Mum: I'm gonna get a tattoo and have pre-marital sex, erm ... sorry?

72. Fear factor. Would you actually eat something gross like a pig's uterus if someone was going to give you money for eating it?
- No way, I'd puke, feel icky, and the money would just make me feel even dirtier!
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