Blanket Response

Jul 22, 2005 18:21

Thanks or all the responses. New rule as of today, back packs not even aloud hanging on you bike outside the T-barriers. Perfect. And although you all articulated your arguments well I must disagree with the idea that the no back pack rule is good. If I am in uniform and have a military ID that some one actually looks at seriously I should be able to walk in with a bag. What would stop me or anyone else from walking in with a grenade or four in my pockets or explosives taped to my skin. Ooooh, news flash, I walk in with a weapon and ammo all the time. The force protection argument is weak. Better searches and ID checking are the ansewer not forbidding me from walking in with an issued ALICE or CamelBack. Also, this is my journal and writing in it is my business. If I want to name names so be it. If you don't like what I write you don't have to read it. I wish you would because some people shed new light on a subject. But I willnot be intimidated and actually invite the chance that some Brigade dweeb might take offense. It is your fault. Your leadership in my opinion is weak. Your "on the spot corrections" are entirely unprofessional and I can't believe you same people wonder why retention is down. You are the reason SGM, your treatment of the lower enlisted soldier is disgusting and has been since we knew you back as a 1st shirt. And the guy wh gave examples of good units, well as far as the 18th AVN Brig. goes 1-189th is far and above the rest. When I hear 159th commanders talking about how flying special forces around means they are to good for the missions we do I just laugh. It is that mentality which seperates the Guard from the Reg. Army. And currently we are proving we can do more with less. Worse helicopters, worse ALSE gear = more than twice the flight time. LOL great job guys. Also there is a huge difference between a civiian coming here for a year as a Guard soldier and an Act. Duty soldier. We left a life that we ran ourselves, you did not. You are told who, what, where, when everyday of your life. I tell myself. I make decisions that affect whether food gets put on the table for my wife and children or whether my business, school career etc. continue. Someone makes those decisions for you and it is pretty tough for you to lose everything from a lay-off don't you think. Not whining I just don't think you actually know the difference between AD and Guard really is. We have a quote here and I wish all of the active duty soldiers who don't like what we do or how we do it will remember. "We are activated not active duty." There is nothing you can do to me here that I am going to remember in 6 months. SGM you mean nothing to us, your rules, regs, knowledge, it's all a joke to us. Yeah it pisses us off but ony til remember we are going home to our nice houses and to be with our families 24-7 while you head back to Ft. Bragg to go to the field every other month. Have fun, we won't be thinking about you.
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