Showdown: Middle East vs. Midwest

Jun 27, 2005 12:33

Many of you know, if you've followed my journal over the last couple years, how much I disliked being in the Midwest. I felt trapped; resultingly, my complaints were not infrequent. And then the Army decided to send me to the Middle East. One could say to be careful what you wish for. That is not to say the Middle East is without its nice aspects. In fact, there are a few things I will miss about it.

But which is really the lesser of the two evils better. Let's figure that out...

Midwest: Green foilage -- trees, grass, and the like.

Middle East: Brown as far as the eye can see. And further.

Edge: Midwest

Midwest: Gas price: $2+

Middle East: Free, for me.

Edge: Middle East

Midwest: Horses

Middle East: Camels

Edge: Midwest

Midwest: Horse-racing

Middle East: Camel-racing

Edge: Middle East

Midwest: Cable modem (fast connection), unfiltered web connection, and full-control of my computer

Middle East: Slow LAN, web filters that make no sense, restricted permissions that interfere with such simple tasks as printing, and daily computer problems inflicted by incompetent network admins.

Edge: Midwest

Midwest: Cheap grain.

Middle East: Cheap bootleg movies

Edge: Middle East

Midwest: Air is fairly clean.

Middle East: Air has texture.

Edge: Midwest

Midwest: Large beverage selection to choose from at nearly any store.

Middle East: Limited beverage selection, but plentiful and free.

Edge: Midwest

Midwest: Hanging-out with friends.

Middle East: Taking part in the liberation of a country of oppressed people, and the fostering of democracy in the Middle East. And then watching the same DVD movie you've seen 17 times already because there's nothing else to do.

Edge: Midwest

Midwest: Pad Thai, steak, Italian...anything I want from a variety of resturaunts.

Middle East: Being unable to guess the meat being served for lunch at the Dining Facility; the most common supposition being that it is leftover dinner from the night's the same color, anyway.

Edge: Midwest

Midwest: Air often smells of cow shit.

Middle East: Air often smells of human shit.

Edge: Midwest

Midwest: Tornados.

Middle East: Sandstorms.

Edge: Midwest

Midwest: Overzealous cops, and inanely-enforced traffic laws. Also, how in the hell does my license get suspended when I'm not even in the country.

Middle East: No enforcement of traffic laws; where can you drive 150 mph in the US and not get ticketed as you rocket past the police?

Edge: Middle East

Midwest: Traffic accidents happen. Sometimes. People are relatively careful, so injuries vary in severity. Many route options provide freedom of choice, as well as potentially safer driving.

Middle East: Reckless driving is the standard. Most traffic accidents result in fatalities (and that's not counting IEDs). Limited, but well-maintained roads. Must travel armed.

Edge: Midwest

Midwest: The Bush Administration.

Middle East: Strong anti-American sentiment.

Edge: Middle East

Midwest: Dead and rotting racoons and dogs on the side of the road, hit by traffic, are often cleaned-up (depending on where you live).

Middle East: Dead and rotting sheep and camels on the side of the road, dragged there by herders, sit there forever offering you the opportunity to study all stages of decomposition.

Edge: Middle East

Midwest: Radio stations...poor music, when not playing commercials.

Middle East: Radio stations...minimal commercials, large variety is standard station format.

Edge: Middle East

Midwest: Yellow ribbons on vehicles everywhere.

Middle East: The occassional "God Bless U.S. Troops" signs.

Edge: Middle East

Midwest: Navigating unfamiliar area is relatively easy if you pay attention to signs. Worst-case scenario: you have to ask for directions.

Middle East: Navigating unfamiliar area is difficult if you can't read Arabic or don't have good maps. Worst-case scenario: you are killed.

Edge: Midwest

Midwest: Nothing to do.

Middle East: Nothing to do.

Edge: Midwest, somehow...

And the winner is...

The Midwest, 11 to 8.
I guess the Midwest isn't so bad after all!
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