Are You Serious???

Jun 10, 2005 20:52

That is the question I find myself asking, usually to myself but sometimes to the ridiculous people here in Iraq that pretend to be leaders. I mean the command staff here at Anaconda has reached new lows in stupidity. The last three instances absolutely slay me and are just the most recent examples of the genius we have seen in the last six months. First my 1st Sgt. got hammered yesterday because we didnt have our vehicles combat parked. Our parking lot is surrounded by T barriers with only 2 authorized exits that go out to a road with 4 speed bumps. Who cares if I have to back up in the event we get over run or bombed, which is so likely. Idiots!!! Next we have the sunglasses on the head or hanging off the neck episode which was emailed to our entire battalion chain of command by the BDE SGM. It is such a gross infraction by a deployed soldier who flies in aircraft all over the country, and was at lunch after working outside for the last 4 hours. Perfect time for him to be yelled by a jerk who gets paid so much do, survey says; nothing. Lastly, and this is a beaut. My commander told me on the way to lunch today that when I parked the Humvee not to forget to take my Kevlar into the chow hall. When I asked why I couldn't leave it in the vehicle, now prepare yourself maybe you should sit down, he said because SGM's are walking around the parking lots and taking peoples unsecured equipment. Wow!!! Thats awesome more stuff for us to worry about. Thats just what we need. Do they teach this crap at SGM school or is it something bred into these morons. They make an already stressful time even more so and wonder why the Army has a retention problem. I wish that once just once on this deployment I could see one of our awesome leaders take care of the soldier.
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