Jun 10, 2010 14:05
Okay. So, my registration date is coming up at the end of the month. I will be registering for my FINAL YEAR of Undergrad! Hooray! But as it turns out, I need a time turner to take all the classes I want to take. So, dear readers, I need your advice.
I am FOR SURE taking 4000-Level Critical Theory with Melville because both he and critical theory are awesome.
I am also FOR SURE taking 3901 Queer Lit, Culture, and Theory with Milne (see above reason).
I am also FOR SURE taking 4342 Indiv. Author (Stein) with Schnitzer because it comes so highly recommended.
So far that gives me 9 hours of Honours (all I need) and 6 of upper level, 15 out of a total 18 I have left to do. NOW here is my conundrum:
I REALLY want to take 2185 Literary Communities (Scottish lit) with Burke. It's 3 credit hours in the fall term. We'll be reading Trainspotting among other things. I know some of you haven't had the best experience with Burke but I reeeeally enjoyed my Contemporary British Culture class with him this past year. We get along well and he expressed his hope that I'd be in another one of his classes.
I also want to take 4740 Topics in Compar. Lit (Joyce) with Rodriguez and Byrnes. It's 6 credit hours over fall/winter. I have never had Byrnes but I've heard he is alternately awesome and curmudgeonly. Rodriguez is a genius and such a great teacher. I feel like Joyce is one of those authors that I *should* be more familiar with than I am, as an English major (I've read Dubliners).
HERE IS MY PROBLEM. In the fall term, these two courses are in the same time slot so I have to choose one or the other. If I take Burke, I'll have the full 30 honours hours no more no less and 120 hours for graduation. I will also only be taking 9 hours of honours and 18 in total which makes for a reasonably light year. If I take Byrnes/Rodriguez, I will be taking 15 hours of honours, surpassing my degree requirement by 6, and 21 hours total, surpassing my grad requirement by 3. This also means I'll be taking 3 courses in fall and 4 in winter, which is the reverse of my usual 4 then 3. But apparently the Stein class makes everything seem more awesome in Winter term. SO. I don't know what to do, friends. I need some guidance!