May 18, 2006 11:10
Well, the mous is broken for some for some reason on the computer.
just my luck and I had to do a report too.
life sucks sometimes mann.
So the sun is out again, and my moods are better.
I swear they change with the weather.
I'm getting a D- in history on my mid quarter report.
What the heck. I did all my homework and got a 82 on the test,
but got a 60 on the other one.
that should average out to like a b- or a C.
I absolutely HATE this school.
I really need to find a place to move to haha.
Like honestly, I really don't want to be here anymore.
Its like rediculous.
They say Classical is so friggin great?
Why don't they actually build it on friggin dry ground, instead of a frirggin swamp like idiots.
We have to be ready to completely shut down any second and its like; so retarded.
I'm tired.
I got a two hour nap yesterday, which was good.
I needed it.
Just one more day, and its friday!!
Hey Carrie or Jack;
would it be okay if I came up around 11ish tomorrow?
Or would that be too early?
I could do some of my own homework, if you guys need to do your school.
hah, yeah kay.
carrie call me after school.
well, done I guess?