Dear friends and family,
To all of you who might not of known, this summer I attended the Youthstorm Summer internship. This internship consisted of intense training in full time ministry. In the program I completed four hours of community service, a day. I experienced living in a community of so many amazing passionate Christians. I also worked with children in Lawrence neighborhoods, at a two week day camp. I completed four classes/courses; The Father’s Heart, Experiencing God, Roots of Character, and Identity Etiquette. I was challenged to keep a Christlike, humble character, in everyday circumstances. This internship intensified my love-relationship with my Jesus, and helped me to passionately pursue my Daddy with everything that’s in me. Its amazing you know, knowing and seeing this undying, unconditional love that just blows me away! I couldn’t even begin to comprehend why He does what He does. And why He loves such an unworthy people, that only continue to hurt Him, and turn their backs on Him. But thank God for His grace, that makes us worthy, not by works but by faith.
It is His true desire that His children would just simply come to Him, and let Him undo us. That we would be found IN Him, finding our only means of survival in HIS eyes! To let Him leave us just totally DUMBFOUNDED in His glory, and to totally just come to a place of such abandonment and let Him do whatever He pleases with us. It is this very thing that I truly desire; that I would just leave my own selfish ambition at His feet and take up His cross. To begin to truly know Him intimately, inside and out.
He has changed me, and matured me so much since the beginning of summer. I am entirely a new person; and this is not of my own doing, but of the miraculous works and love of my Dad. He has truly transformed me into a person I don’t even recognize! I’m writing this letter, astounded by the woman He’s made me in this past year. I’m truly the woman, I never expected to be, and a person I’ve always resented in the past.
I have come to a place where I desire nothing more than to know Christ, and to make Him known. I have been becoming what I could only dream of in the past. He has called me to the missionary field. To go out to the nations, preach the good news, bind up the broken hearted, proclaim liberty to the captives, to comfort all that mourn, to bestow beauty instead of ashes, and an oil of joy instead of mourning. (Isaiah 61)
So far the Lord has braught me to Mexico(April 2005) , Mississippi(October 2005-Katrina Relief), and ultimately my main mission field, my school.. He will bringing me to Iceland, France, and CHINA in this coming year.
The first upcoming trip is Iceland; at the end of March. I have the amazing opportunity to travel to Iceland with the very same people who discipled me in the internship!! I am SO excited for this mission trip, it has always been my deepest desire to go overseas into Europe. And how fortunate am I to be able to minister in such a beautiful country!! As beautiful as it is though, the percentage of Christianity is very low. So many people haven’t even heard of the hope of Christ! I will be going to minister at churches, and all sorts of places.
God is truly moving in Iceland though. Our friends have been keeping in touch with us, and informing us about the miraculous things Hes doing. I’m so excited to see what He’s going to do in and through us there! I know its going to be amazing though. I truly believe that He has something so big for everyone of us this year. And I’m going to completely walk in that, believing that He is going to be faithful to pour out on His children in this year, and so many more to come. For He is a faithful God. He’s preparing us for war. But He’s only looking for a people who are completely sold out to Him. A people that are serious about being lost in Him, serous about laying down their own desires and ultimately their life; to only take that inititive for Him to have His way in every area.
I am totally trusting God for the $1500 I need for this trip. He has provided for me in the pas in outstanding ways. Some of you , He’s used to help me raise the money, and for that I am entirely greatful. If you are able to, and you feel that God is leading you to donate any amount of money for this trip, it would greatly apprieciated! But if not, your prayers and encouragement are so much more important to me! Thankyou so much for being apart of what God is doing in my life, and through my life. I love you all so much, and thanks again!!
Becky Duyon