so you want to know about mexico? Stop asking, read this. =]
Do you smell that?!?
Kind of smells like UP MURPHY!?!
I think its time for a house party.
to the wall.
All same seats same seats same seats.
I miss this.
So I got home from mexico friday. Oh my gaahhsh, it was the best time of my life. Something I will NEVER forget. I left sunday, and i got to the school and we packed up and left for the airport. I said bye to my parents and nicole.. and we left. The line for getting the tickets was so long, but it was so fun. We finally got them, I got dunkin donuts, and then we boarded the plain. Something got screwed up with steve burkes ticket... and he wasnt on the plane when we boarded, for about twenty minutes. I and everyone else were entirely worried.. but finally he got on, and we all clapped for him. =] . At first i was petrified when we were ready to take off.. but once we did and started flying, I was fine. Flyling is actually kind of boring. Except when youre talking with people and stuff. Our next flight was from dallas, to El Paso. From the airport we went to wal*mart.. and got all of our food for the week, and then our gifts for the family.. And then went to the place we were staying in just for that night. It was a church, and at first I thought it was kind of not nice. But it looked like heaven compared to the church in juarez. We put food away and such.. and hung out.. then had pizzaaa. from papa ginos i think it was. It was the best food i had all week besides the steak house on the last night lol. then we hung out more, and had story time. Story time is where someone ( usually a leader..but sometimes not.) tells their story about their life. Brian Browne, one of the leaders spoke that night. And for a long time I've been looking for a church in Lynn.. because, i don't know too many christians in lynn and at my school and stuff... and part of what he spoke on is how hes a youth pastor at east baptist in lynn. At first I was like ehh, baptist church.. Its not spirit filled or whatever.. but afterwards I talked to him about it.. and I asked I was like, is it really traditional? and he was like, in ways, yes, we have structure and basicly what most churches have, we sing hymns and stuff.. but we also have a band, that does worship. And praise and worship is really aweome there, and stuff. Which is exactly what i wanted to know about, because praise and worship is key for me. ;]. So I'm going to start going there for church on sundays, and youthgroup on wednesdays. That night, we sat outside the church and Brian with his guitar sang worship songs, and it was so amazing because the weather was so nice, and the sky was so clear and i just sat there and sang and stared at the sky. I love Texas. Monday, we left texas, and crossed the border into Mexico. It was instantly so sad to look at how they live. There were stray dogs EVERYWHERE you looked, and just seeing how those dogs were, you could just imagine how the people, how the childrens lives are. We got to the church we were staying at, and then unpacked all the food. A group of people went to go get the tools, which consisted of me, christine burke, andria, patrick, micheal, annie, dacare, big steve, and i forget now who else. We got all the tools, and it was a lot of fun. We got back an hour later.. and left for the worksite. That day, we mixed cement, we layed the foundation, built four walls, and I pegged the foundation, preparing it to get the walls up. We left around 6pm. It doesnt really seem like that was a lot of work, but it really was, and we moved at a really fast pace, and it was a lot of really hard work. We got back to the church and ate, had journal time,, story time, and question and answer time. After that we hung out, talked and then i read my bible and went to bed. Tuesday, by far the hardest, longest day, we put the walls up, built the roof, put the roof on and finished it, black boarded, chicken wired, insulated, and a lot more stuff. It was really hard but it was good. We left at six, came home and the same line up as the night before. I talked to Micheal some, hes so awesome, and really cute. Wednesday, was also really hard. We finished the chicken wire, started and finished stucco-ing. Sheet rocked, finished that... and finished the house by 530. We got home, we changed , ate, and then left to dedicate it early because the family wanted to make us dinner. We stopped at a store to get drinks and toys for the neighborhood kids.. and then went to go dedicate the house. It was absolutely amazing.. they were like " we have nothing " and i was able to say that I helped change that. I started crying, they looked so greatful. The children were so happy. There was this little girl, jasmine; and she was like, I love you, and im going to miss you. Thats when I started crying again. She was like, I don't have anything to give you, but here.. and she gave me a smaall bouncy ball.. But i treasure that so much. I miss her and those kids so much. The family made us these little tomale things? and they were pretty good, but i only had one. We said our goodbyes, hugged everyone.. and then took off back to the church.. I cried on the way home too, but shhh. I hid it. lol. We got back to the church and i listened to the q and a session.. and then we got ready for bed. I was thinking a lot about everything, and i started crying again.. untill i fell asleep. I wish i could do something more for these people, but to them I gave them a whole new future. Which i did, but i just want to give them so much more. Thursday we got to sleep in a little.. and when we got up, we ate, and then cleaned the church while the other groups dedicated their houses. Then we left for the market.. and i was the barter flippin' queen. Oh man, i got so much stuff, for sooo cheap. It was fun. I hung out with patrick c, and then with christine, andria and micheal. It was fun.. I love those threeee... then we went to go get ice cream, i got frozen strawberries in like cream or whatever.. and then we all met up with everyone and headed on our way back to texas. I lost my birth certificate, and i was petrified that they werent gonna let me cross the boarder, but they did.. all i had to say was that im from united states. I almost started crying dude, because i really thought they were gunna not let me cross. But they did, and i was glad... we went to the church, and i finally showered!! .. and other stuff. haha.. and i slept for a little while, then i went to say what happend the whole week for a video thing.. and then hung out some more.. and then we all went to the steak house, and i got ribeye steakkk <3 and mashed potatoss... mmm 'twas delicious. =] and thennn.. we all took pictures and stuff, said goodbye to the casa por cristo staff.. and then went back to the church... we had story time.. big steve and christine talked.. it was awesome. we had journal time, and crew time.. and then big J and melissa talked to us, and everyone started crying .. including me.. the whole week was really emotional, and 'spiritual' and sooo life changing. I miss it soo much. Then we hung out .. and brian sang some praise and worship songs.. and i really just felt God's presence soo much; it was incredible.. after that i talked to someone and i really forget who it was :-/ , and then micheal.. and then we went to go finish the video, because the preceeding one had no audio, so we had to do it all over. :-/ .. Good job big J. i didnt get to bed untill like 4 from talking to a certain someone ;] .. and then i woke up at 730 to get ready to get to the airport.. I packed up and we left.. at the airport waiting for our first flight, I had a hotdog ( hot-murphy ) journaled, and listened to music. Micheal shocked my face, which made me stop.. and talk to people.. then we boarded the plane.. which was only an hour .. we got off .. ate pizza at the airport pizza hot.. and then boarded the next flight. 4 hours of nothing. I did my mime in a box for a bunch of people haha. It was good. I walked around and talked to people and stuff.. and then eventually slept.. from the plane.. i hung out my luggaege.. and said bye and hugged everyone. Then went home.
The whole trip was just SO amazing, and sooo life got me thinking so unbelievably much.. and I made a commitment to not look back, and not stop living for christ. No matter what I do, or no matter what happens.. I'm doing this, and theres no stopping me now. this is so what i want to do, and im soo excited about it. God really just broke me on this trip, and used me no matter what I wanted or said... I had no choice.. And i want Him to always do that. I know now that my purpose is to go out to different nations.. and serve these kinds of people.. and i know this kind of stuff, is whats going to make my life. Im soooo excited and soo privledged.. I cant wait untill next year at mexico. <333