Aug 18, 2008 13:23
One day at a time. Just breathe. Everything will fall into the right place. Your life is not as bad as you make it out to be. Stop frowning. Ofcourse your sad.. You must sacrifice for the future. It is a normal thing to do. You are not alone in this ,all though you may think so. Your childhood will not be lost. It is always there in the back of your mind, and even though you must close that book for now and move on do not forget your inner child. Do not neglect that part of your personality just because you think you have to in order to reach your goals. I know in experience that there is no life manual. Everyones is as unique as your thumb print. Be smart, if it doesn't feel right you should be doing it. Make yourself happy. Never stop learning. Go to college. Stay up late and pas your classes and exams. Teach your self to never give up. Cause those who give up never have a chance to win. Succeed in everything you do. Or atleast try. Be who you are but if you notice something bad in your self don't wait till someone else tells you, fix it. Don't let bad impression ever happen. You are not an easily forgive child anymore. Your are accountable and if you decide to do some indecent behavior there will be consequences, and not anything like no TV for a week will do. You are a young woman striving for success, lost in the translation , lost in the transformation from childhood to adult hood. Don't beat your self up if you don't get it right, no one is asking you to know everything right away. You will learn and hopefully who will put what u have experienced into your adult personality. You will mature. You will question more things because your time is being used up. Through work, college, relationships. You will be in charge of your life. You will undoubtedly question where you time is going in. You will go out and party with your friends. Wake up with a hangover. Ofcourse that's normal for someone of your age. BUT you wont let it interfere with your successes. You are blooming into a beautiful woman. With Hope and Dreams near to reality. You are still hoping for a miracle. BUT you see that you are the miracle. You have every chance in the world to make all your infinite dreams come to life. Let your head come down from the clouds for just a moment. Realize that the life you were daydreaming about as a child is here now for you to mold, stretch, and perfect how ever you feel is best for you. Your elders have led you onto certain paths all very different from the next BUT now you must choose your next footstep. Do not be afraid of the darkness that is before you. For through the thicket is an overwhelming and highly anticipated light. That light is your Destiny. Walk briskly and don't let it slip out of reach. Go get it!