Welcome to my room ♥
I'm actually still working on it :/
The basket on top of that old TV is for my bike. Remy (my rabbit) rides in it when I take him to the vet. I was surprised that he liked it so much.
Left: Dir En Grey, Fair to Midland, and Bleed the Dream poster that I got from my first Dir En Grey concert at the Fillmore.
Right: The Guitar that I got from my grandpa for my thirteenth birthday I believe... still can't play it. He also got me that toy chest when I was younger.
The poster section of my room. I need to find some more. The plan was to fill up the whole wall but I think I'm going to keep them separated and just in that area depending on the Ikea shelves that I get for that space. Oh yeah, I plan to kick that furniture out. I used to love The Gazette so much. They need to stop fucking up.
Left: Dir En Grey poster that Judy
88__1nsomniak gave me.
Right: Linking Park poster I bought at Target. They helped me get through all of my years of public school.
It's pretty sad that all of my clothes fit into that shelf. The first row is random stuff, second shirts, third pants and short, fourth dresses and fifth random stuff and trash can. I'm pretty sure my sister has some of my clothes and I left some at my dad's.
I hate high heels so I only have two pair. Any others that I had I gave to my sister. The black books have my old sketches in them. The movies: Volcano High, The Nightmare Before Christmas, The Lion King, Fight Club, Pan's Labyrinth, Lord of the Rings 2 & 3, V for Vendetta, and Harry Potter 3 & 4.
The albums are really straight/level. Also I need a new mattress that is actually made for that bed and is higher. I also HATE my comforter with a burning passion.
Left: The Bad Book by Aranzi Aronzo. I had to get it because it reminded me of Kyo who loves (or at least used to love) Warumono. My old Japanese text book is peeking out the rest of the paper is just junk from classes and journals that I don't even use. I honestly think one of them has Spanish note cards in it.
Right: A speaker that I hook my iPod up to when I don't want to turn my computer on. I love that it looks like a little amp. Those are wireless Bluetooth headphones sitting on them which suck because they don't work with the iPod touch, only old iPods.
I still haven't finished Grimm's Fairy Tales and I need to by Cathy's Ring.
In the past two day's I've had two different people call me Chung Lee. My sister because of my Docs and my friend Joey because of some bracelet I had on.
I've gotta paint my doors.
I hate my prom pictures with a passion, but I leave them up because my friends looked pretty XD
My birthday card from last year. I usually throw cards away after I get them but never this one. When you open it he says "Let's put a smiiiile on that face" and laughs ridiculously. I love it. If I had a poster of the Joker I would be ecstatic.
THE CLOSET! Remy basically designated it as his room so I moved the shelf with my clothes out and put his cage in there. He basically only uses it as a litter box, but he sleeps on the carpet in there or under my bed. so I leave the door open. He likes having free reign of the room. *Rolls eyes* I put all his hay in the cage which is supposed to help for potty training... It only sort of works. Anyone have any advice?
Bask in his adorability.
I still have hell of books from freshman year that I want to get rid of but most of the ones on the shelf are personal books. By the way, I suck at math. I'm still in Algebra. I seriously don't remember it being so hard in high school.
The jar holds my change. The small converse box store Jewelery. Bigger converse box has art stuff. The container beneath the CD's has more art stuff. Under the purple shelf is hay for Remy and behind that pellets with a comb for his fur.