Apr 18, 2009 16:33
as i can see,in this community one can find a rooms from all the world and most of them are from UK.
they are different from those i see in my country(Estonia) and i want to ask why is it so
almost all of them are very clutterd.walls are all covered by posters,dawings,bags and other stuff.also the furniture is all covered by books,cds,girly stuff.and just tonns of other jam.
colours and acessories are also crazy.
isnt the atmosphere too heavy this way?do you even need all these things?doesnt it depress you?
how in the world can u make it clean,when there is no free space to just step in with a vacuum cleaner?
is it this way in all young people rooms around the world(except estonia)?or is it a coincidence,that all of pictures here are so?
or is it fashionly now?
id really love to know the answer.
aand if u want,i can show u mine,just to compare.maybe im wrong