(no subject)

May 03, 2006 22:09

i just may be a total jerk, but i don't really care. i have been busting my ass at work for like ever, and i totally deserve a vacation. i told my manager that i had to have monday off cause i needed to see my dad..well that is partially true..

my adopted dad had a stroke and i really want to see him because i miss him and love him more than anything, but i also want to get away from las vegas for a weekend so i'm kinda sorta bringing a friend along for a vay cay. we decided that we both needed out and away from our lame ass jobs so we are going to go hit the beaches in sunny california. i'm so excited cause i'v needed this forever and i really think that if i go i will be able to clear my head a little and come back in a much nicer less bitchy mood.

i've also been really spazzing out lately. i dont' know if its the heat throwing me out of whack or what..but damn am i going crazy. yesterday i was shaking uncontrollably like i had parkinsins, and today i just busted out into tears for no reason. oh and thanks to my manager throwing something at me.i have a knarly black eye..which looks like i got the crap kicked out of me..thanks tyler.

yeah i'm done ranting.
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