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Plaaaceholder as I run out the door. ohrosalita July 14 2008, 09:45:44 UTC
I think you probably have me outread on Russian philosophy. I could see your Trotsky and raise you Aristotle?

They say time flies when you're having fun. Apparently also when you're trying not to get eaten by the alien-of-the-week. How've you been?


<3 <3 your whacky martian timezones! + private/unhackable since he's paranoid about Nic. inshiningkevlar July 14 2008, 10:01:13 UTC
The Greek philosopher, da? He taught Alexander the Great, if memory serves. I admit, I am not as familiar with his work as I could be.

Ah, I have been well, alien invasions aside. Yourself, and Aden?


I am using transmission from mars as an excuse for this reply being epic belated. private/unhackable ohrosalita July 15 2008, 13:35:53 UTC
One've the Greek philosophers, right. You've probably heard more of his opinions than you'd think. How about 'One swallow does not make a summer'?

We're good. It's one advantage of being a few floors up - aliens almost never bother with stairs.


what am I going to do with you. D: damn martians private/unhackable; inshiningkevlar July 15 2008, 13:41:47 UTC
Ah. That I have heard, I believe, though I cannot recall from where.

I am glad to hear it. Though after the remarkable skill you showed in dealing with raptors... who can say how the aliens would have fared, da?


Communication would be easier if LJ took off it's tinfoil hat. private/unhackable; ohrosalita July 15 2008, 13:52:18 UTC
Well it's an Aristotle original, from The Nichomachean Ethics, which as a book is kind of a mess of a collection of thoughts, but as a collection of thoughts makes a worthwhile book. Does that make sense? I'm always amazed by all the things first said thousands of years ago that've proved universal.

If the aliens were two inches high, I can safely say I'dve kicked ass.


dude LJ is owned by commies now, that hat is never coming off. D: private/unhackable inshiningkevlar July 15 2008, 14:04:55 UTC
Do they have a copy here, I wonder? I should like to read it, if you find it interesting.

Humanity is a universal thing, I am thinking. It is what is around us that changes most.

Ah, slightly larger than that. I lost a window to a particularly overzealous one.


In soviet russia, comments post -you-. private/unhackable ohrosalita July 15 2008, 14:27:59 UTC
I found baby naming books in Venusian, I'll bet you could pick up a few copies of the classics. Want me to look for you?

I don't even know that what's around us changes so much, except we swapped abacuses for calculators and the theatre for a big screen TV. Cicero made some speeches to the Roman Senate that wouldn't sound out've place if they came from Clinton today. It kind of makes you wonder if we know what we mean when we talk about progress.

Really? At least Godzilla passed you by, it's tough to claim property damage by the king of the monsters on an insurance policy.

You didn't get hurt, right?


HOW DID I KNOW THAT WAS COMING. D: private/unhackable inshiningkevlar July 15 2008, 14:39:10 UTC
Ah, that is not necessary, Rose, I do not want to trouble you. Though I would not mind the company, should you wish to accompany me there when perhaps you have more time?

Clinton. The previous president. I forget that you are from a time before my own sometimes.

Progress I think in this day and age means, to own a faster car and a taller house, to spout false platitudes about foreign places you have never been.

... I was not even aware Godzilla was present in the City at the time. I... that is certainly something.

Eighteen stitches. My calf. It was not serious. Do not... ah, worry.


I despair of my own predictability. D: private/unhackable ohrosalita July 15 2008, 15:13:24 UTC
See, eventually you'll learn that an excuse to get out've the apartment rarely equates to trouble in my book. If you're providing the company, I'll find the time.

I'm a decade behind half the people I know, here. I forget, too, because when I remember it makes me feel a little, I don't know, old. Clinton's about half way through his first term where I'm from. I haven't asked anybody how he works out, but he's gotta be an improvement on Bush, right?

That's just progress into becoming an asshole, Sanya. That's nothing to aspire to.

You missed Godzilla. You must've been distracted, he's not known for his stealth.

So what do you count as serious? You know, just so I've got a means of comparison.


well. I mean. it's not so bad. Maybe I'm just psychic. :D private/unhackable inshiningkevlar July 15 2008, 15:22:39 UTC
I would like that, then.

You are not old. Your physical age is still 26, if I recall? There is nothing wrong with being from a different time, da? ... And... you speak of Bush. Another was elected into office after Clinton. That in itself was very much not an improvement.

Ah, I did not mean to imply that I thought it was. That is merely how most people seem to view that word. Progress.

I was in the Underground the second day in. I suppose that is when he arrived?

... Losing a limb. Or death. If it is something I will heal from without outside assistance, I do not consider it to be serious.


Or maybe you're a robot. When do you sleep?? private/unhackable ohrosalita July 15 2008, 15:44:40 UTC
...My physical age is still somewhere around eighteen, I guess. I don't really get older.

But, wait. Bush has a dynasty, now? This parallel world you're from is sounding a little scarier all the time.

Bush has a dynasty. Maybe I'm not in favor of progress after all.

In the underground getting someone to sew up your leg, or? And there's gotta be a point someplace between man-flu and a fatality where people are allowed to worry about you, Sanya.


I NEVER SLEEP oh my god seriously ten hours in the last week. I've kept track. D: private/unhackable inshiningkevlar July 15 2008, 15:59:45 UTC
Oh? Why is that? If you do not mind the question.

... And a war, also.

Ah, no. I am not sure that the Underground is the best place to procure a doctor. I was looking to restock the ammunition for my Kalashnikov.

I... would rather that you did not worry, under any circumstances. You asked once if I am capable of being selfish. Perhaps that counts.


...Ok I am coming over to hit you with a blunt object. Private/Unhackable ohrosalita July 15 2008, 16:19:52 UTC
I don't mind the question, but nobody's ever given me a straight answer, either. I guess it's something in the genes; my grandfather predates recorded time, maybe that skipped a generation.

We make war that we may live in peace. Also Aristotle, one of his more hopeful, less accurate sentiments. Is it a bad one?

But I'm going to worry. Not a whole lot, and not all the time, just the amount I worry about all my friends. Turns out it's a byproduct of caring about someone.


Oh god PLEASE DO I would love you forever. D: private/unhackable inshiningkevlar July 15 2008, 16:31:45 UTC
Predates - ... I see. Those complications you spoke of.

Some people believe so. It is a war. I cannot see them as ever being 'good', in any positive sense of the word.

... I hope you will not mind my worrying about you also, then.


Ok but it's an 8 hour flight. In the meantime have you tried taking a pill? o_O private/unhackable ohrosalita July 15 2008, 16:49:05 UTC
Right. So my inheritance turns out to be the thrill of getting carded for all eternity. ...I don't really like being taken for younger than I am.

Nor can I, I've done the peace rallies to prove it. Progress, though. Half the technology we use today comes from something developed in conflict, necessity being the mother of invention, I guess. And I'll run out've cliches eventually. Probably.

Sure. Although I plan on keeping all my limbs, at least until the bionic kind are readily available.


I am seriously immune to like. Everything. :( private/unhackable. inshiningkevlar July 15 2008, 16:58:09 UTC
You have not seemed so young to me.

Ah. That is true. However, regarding cliches... I would have to see it to believe it, da?

So you can hop around, yes? Though there was talk also of little wheels.


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