pretty_panther's gift for AVL

Nov 04, 2012 21:46

Harry took his glasses off and leaned backwards in his chair yawning deeply. It wasn’t long before he could go home for the weekend from the office and just relax on the sofa eating junk food and as many Bertie Bott’s beans as he wanted. He heard the door open and opened his eyes slowly, not expecting anyone of great importance. It was late on a Friday night and it wasn’t often that people turned up to see him.

“Come on Potter, time for you to go. You’ve been here two hours overtime already; it’s time you went home.” Draco walked over to the desk, and picked up Harry’s glasses, folding them into his pocket and then moving to the other side, and putting his arm around Harry. “Floo powder tonight I think. I don’t want you splinching.”

Draco lifted Harry up and pushed him gently over to the fireplace in Harry’s office, lifting the tub of floo powder over to him. “Here you go, come on”. He waited for the flames to die down before putting the tub back on the fireplace and following Harry through to their house on the outskirts of the town.

It didn’t take a genius to figure out where Harry had gone when there was no sign of him in their living room. He put Harry’s shoes by the door before moving to their bedroom, and sighing softly at the man sprawled on the bed.

Harry had managed to get one arm out of its sleeve and his trouser button undone before he had fallen to sleep. It was unsurprising, considering Harry had been working overtime all week and had barely been sleeping at home in order to get more work done. Shaking his head slightly, Draco moved into the room, and started removing the other man’s clothes, starting with the shirt. At least if he got the shirt off, Harry would be more comfortable than he was. It wasn’t a difficult task, especially considering Harry was perfectly easy to move once asleep, but one that had to be done with caution so as not to wake him.

The trousers were more difficult as Harry had rolled over onto his front, and it was a task to get the zipper down enough to pull them off easily; but Draco got them off in the end. Choosing to leave Harry in his boxers and socks, he climbed into the bed next to his boyfriend, wrapped an arm around Harry’s middle and pulled the cover over them. The weekend could wait. His boyfriend needed sleep.
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