Oct 20, 2006 05:42
strange. on facebook, i was looking at the profile of this kid that im friends with but that i hardly talked to in the past and how lives hundreds of miles away. and i was contimplating disenfriending her. and then minutes later, maybe like a half hour later, she pokes me. no contact for like two years and then a poke. what's that all about?
so are there any poor asian, arab, african kids on this campus? how come ive come across many a poor mexican and a handful of poor white folks, but i've never met poor people of any other background? anybody like to shed some light on the issue?
also, i think i've come to the realization that i can only handle a couple amazing people at a time. that's why i dont have very many close friends, even though i am fond of a good many people. but this poses a problem. im quite a needy person. so if i only have a couple good friends, and they aren't available, i get lonely quick. it's not enough assuring myself anymore. i guess im really becoming less independent. it's a bit scary, but a lot less cold.
bueno pos ahorita me voy a ramble a bit. taking my inspiration from sarita's note on how to pick a life partner, what would i include in such a list? i mean what would i need to read about someone to be convinced that that person was really so great? all of those ancedotes listed would definitely add to a conviction, but what would establish it:
musician, of the cultural variety (not colorless rock and pop)
or some sort of producer of culture, like even purposefully wearing traditional clothing
some sort of bike riding involved
value put on communalism more so that individualism--or better yet, recognition that true individualism depends on the health of the community
someone who sees the limitations of self-centered, western-centered so called progressive movements like white feminism (even third world feminism to a lesser extent), the anti-war movement, the civil rights movement, and i can't think of anything else right now
yeah. im not convinced of the above. im more convinced that i will probably be put into a life relationship with a moderate, travel with her over some adventerous roads, and eventually come to grips that i'd be a fuck up without this person and maybe she would be without me.
i feel love (as a verb, not a noun) is like gaining ur fine motorskills memory. you practice over and over for years, as you stumble and fall, drool all over yourself, shit ur pants and miss the target, until little by little you create for yourself a second nature, you dont even have to think about what ur doing any more. when you know every movement of your partner's body, know what it means, know what thoughts and ideas are backing it up, without even thinking about it.
cool. a lot of thoughts to get out. and i have a lot more energy trying to exit my body as well. if it weren't 2am i'd go outside and play and sing my heart out. maybe i'll go do that in the middle of the golf course.