Hello, Meatship! I'm trying my hand at this 'meme' business, so after a spontaneous bit of brainstorming I've come up with this:
6 Degrees of Separation
the MEME
Yes, yes, no sparkly letters, only bright colors. I'm not that fancy. Anywho, here's the idea:
If everyone in the world knows each other through six acquaintances, then surely all the characters in one pan-fandom should know one another in a similar fashion, if not better. Think of this as a sort of 'CR-building exercise'--knowing a friend who knows a friend who knows this guy that could fix your friction contrafibulator is a good enough excuse for threading, yeah?
So it works like this:
1) Post a character and list off anyone they know from the top of your head. You don't have to consult any other references, it doesn't have to include that alien you made eye-contact with in the Mess Hall once, but try to organize them by at least canon relation. For extra funtimes, include characters from their canon that haven't been introduced yet, or that they know from other games.
2) The characters mentioned reply with their own lists, striking out those already given in the post(s) above, adding the names they don't already have.
3) Continue for as long as physically possible.
4) Inboxes explode everywhere!