Consultation Day today (we get a day off school, and have to come in for a 20 minute appointment for our form tutors at a given time) so I get to spend all day at home doing the two things i love best: cleaning and coursework. *sigh*
Oh well, at least my appointment should be fun. Thanks to
Friday's antics I'm in for a big treat - shouting and being told off. I've experienced part of that fun -
and I have something to say about it.
So, to give you a brief summary of events, I didn't get my ROA back and (surprise surprise!) it was because of my pupil comment and stuff. Had a lovely little chat with Mrs Pottinger about my actions, etc. Well, she sort of lectured at me how disappointed in me she was, that she'll be calling home and so on, and I said 'ok' in all the appropriate places.
Firstly - how pathetic can you get? Not giving someone their ROA because of a comment they wrote? I mean, seriously? What is the point? I'm not going to take it out and burn the evidence and it's more for my parents (who are really pissed they haven't got it) than it is for me. School even said that, for crying out loud! We get our reports so our parents can look at them and maybe find things they want to discuss on consultation day! I want to look at it too. Yeah, I got five minutes on Thursday morning or whatever... I can't remember what it says.
Secondly, I don't see how anyone telling me how downhearted, disappointed or disgusted they are at me matters. I didn't write it because I thought it'd be funny and people would love me all of a sudden. Yeah, it was funny and yeah, people have supported me in writing it. But that's not why I wrote it; I wrote it because I had a point to make, and that point still stands. I'm not the type to pull stunts for the hell of it, and if they know me like they profess to they'd realise this.
Also, calling my parents? What are the school expecting to do, catch them off guard and spend 15 minutes bitching about me down the phone? I'm not completely stupid, I have already told my parents. And, for once, they're behind me in this. I mean, seriously, school, how can you expect my parents to not be behind me in complaining after all school has put me through? I mean, my parents, they've been in, complaining about one thing or another year after year. And the school expects them to discipline me for having a go? Jeez.
I knew I was going to get into trouble for this. I knew what the consequences would be, and I accept and understand them. And, like I said before, is school know me as well as they claim they do, they should understand I didn't do this for the hell of it. But it just goes to prove how little they care, because the first thing I hear from them isn't, "Why did you write this?". It's, "Frankly, I'm disgusted...". Negative, negative, negative. I haven't even heard anyone asking why (apart from Mr Knowland) and that just goes to show how little they care and how little they know me. It's out of character and all they're bothered about is punishing me. Who cares if I'm suffering any, or I'm stressed out my head? Certainly not the school...
And, yeah, what I wrote was a little heated, a little overly negative. I can see that, and if I had the chance to write it again with a clearer head, I would but I'd still keep my complaints in there. Yeah, I was snarky and some of what I said was offensive, but I was really pissed off when I wrote it. I'm glad I wrote it, it made me feel a lot better actually and I'm not changing my statement now. With hindsight, I should have been more level-headed and less downright sarcastic, but I don't regret it. I know this isn't just my opinion; it's an opinion shared by a body of people. I've been told by various peoples that they respect what I did and wished they'd had the guts to do it themselves. And, call me crazy, but I think that really means something. People, and not the trouble making crowd - it's the ones who try and work hard, standing behind someone who leapt of the line of acceptable behaviour in order to put across a point. Now, I'm not trying to make a martyr out of myself, but I seriously think the school ought to listen to what we have to say as students. The system of school is kinda repressive - if you've got a complaint about a teacher you have to pester your parents to ring up and complain and half the time nothing happens even then. You can't really go up and state your opinion yourself, as a student you don't really have a say. And, as we get older and go on to the more important years of education, I think we should be given a chance to comment on our teachers; they're the ones telling us what we need to know to get the grades we need, and if they can't do that competently, who can? It's key that we don't get treated like children, just because a few people in our year act like it. They should stop doing petty things like closing the Y11 lunch area for everyone when only a few people broke the rules. Or kicking people out of school buildings at lunch when they're just waiting to talk to a teacher.
Anyway, ima get back to all this work... fun, fun, fun!