So! College Taster Week this week. I've been to five sessions - English, Maths, History, Chemistry and Biology. English was... alright. The guy doing the Combined (which is what I'm doing) was really quite boring, alas. I hope I don't have him. Also, it was roasting hot in the english rooms. I am totally not looking forward to english lessons in the summer :P Maths was good. I need to brush up on GCSE though, because... well, it's surprising how easily one forgets stuff and (thanks to some god awful teachers) I'm not all that great. But it seems really cool - we did some algebra stuff and drew some Eularian diagrams! I also learnt some cool new facts about triangles. History - well, Modern History, anyway (I hate Medieval times :P) - was also good. We did about Henry VI, got tested on what the royal motto means and about Rasputin and his role in bringing down the Tsar autocracy in Russia.
This song was played and it's been in my head ever since! Weh mir, i know. Chemistry was really cool. We did a forensic based case study and had to find evidence to support a theory that a husband had murdered his wife. I felt like one of the squints from Bones :P Biology was also good - we looked at Daphina and did a practical on how caffeine raised heart rates, I got to see some protozoa and took a DNA sample from my cheek and then made it visible in a test tube!
The sciences were definitely my best sessions (I only hope I don't get Pierre for Biology. He's a bit .. weird). Other than that, everything seems great and I can't wait to go! The only downside is I have to buy my own paper and buy a lot of my own textbooks. Damn not having EMA - from what I've been told, the textbooks are quite expensive (generally upwards of £15 for just one *sigh*).
In other news, if this heatwave lasts any longer, I think I might actually die. I haven't slept properly in days, I am rapidly running out of summery clothes to wear and it's way too warm to do anything. I actually froze a (damp) flannel earlier so I could use it to cool myself down tonight. Apparently it's meant to be cooler and rainy tomorrow but... meh. People have been saying that all week. I hope it is cooler tomorrow though - I have work