ALRIGHT GUYS, it's time for a unique and interesting twist.
I play Kid, Ikkaku, Rukia, and Watanuki...this is a "five things" meme for those characters. You come in--IC or OOC!--and ask something like HEY IKKAKU FIVE PEOPLE WHOSE ASSES YOU'VE CAUGHT YOURSELF LOOKING AT FOR MORE THAN HALF A MINUTE, or possibly FIVE THINGS RUKIA HATES ABOUT ______,
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Can't say I didn't like 'im, no! He was great! Friendly! We hit it off. He wasn't a pansy, he just looked like one, y'see. Was even kind enough not to bring boys into the room after eleven PM.
...he was, what, a fifth year, sixth year? Yeah.
It wasn't bad, no, far as that shit goes but that was just SO FUCKING AWKWARD, you wouldn't even believe. Least it was for me, I didn't have sparkles and rainbows to hide behind.
The Kuchiki wigs, they led us through some tough times. They let Hisagi sneak into meetings at the Women's Association. Putting 'em on practice dummies never gets old. Wearing them to the mandatory formals? Priceless shit, just ask Iba. He was Captain Kuchiki and I was Rukia-chan and people got a kick out of it right up till we got our asses thrown out.
But, uh, after this?
Yeah. They had to go.
Yeah, well. Hisagi's made out with everyone and their moms. Pissed drunk, sure, but there is no way in hell that guy's a hundred percent straight. Don't listen to a word he says on the subject, oi.
I also think he's actually a vampire.
Goddamn vampires.
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