
Feb 03, 2004 13:18

The likes and dislikes of Paul. In case anyone actually wanted to know.

Likes (only a few because I could take up you're entire friends page for a day if I listed them all):
-people who demand a certain respect with their persona
-black short hair on girls
-big tattoos on girls (none of that little flower on the ankle shit. its hot when its big and it has thought put into it)
-modern fashion (that doesn't suck)
-modern art or anything obscure or surreal
-when people post pictures of themselves on live journal
-talkative people who ask questions as they speak to you
-big eyes (no, not bug eyes, big you fool!)
-kilts and claymores
-Steel and Phonix comic strips
-fat guys with charisma who are in demand with the ladies
-belts, sunglasses (when they actually look good on me!)
-summer time, and summer nights
-playing with fire
-playing in water
-the smell of citrus
-really big sandwiches
-girls who can skateboard, snowboard better than me (that is every girl)
-geeky shit (ask me on your own time, I don't strut my geekdom on the internet)
-really really smart people who don't feel they are above anyone for that reason alone
-listening to music a little too loud while cycling faster than I should be
-your opinion

Okay and now on to dislikes (I will keep this short):
-almost all children
-95% of my family
-being overwhelmed by people
-bad breath
-cigarettes outside of a club atmosphere
-other vegans (no, not you. You know the ones I'm talking about. The vegans who don't shut up about it and treat it as a novelty)
-most movies
-gamer hair
-when people talk to loud
-being "underwhelemed" by someone (this is an exact science)
-feeling like property
-needing to sneeze but can't
-your opinion

Since alot of people seem to be on this livejournal spit of filling out questionnaires and posting them go ahead and make your own likes and dislikes list. I promise I will read it and comment or something like that. Its better than "what was the last thing you ate?", "have you ever touched a boy/girl", "when was the last time you ate shit?" etc.
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