[Gazette] Happenstance (1/1)

Oct 12, 2007 22:52

Title: Happenstance
Genres: General & a dash of Introspection
Rating: G
Characters: Kai & Reita
Synopsis: Quotes are overrated. So is disbelief and disregard.
Comments: Supposedly a Reita x Ruki fic but turned otherwise during the revision process. Doesn't really meet my expectations of a polished drabble, but it refused to be stretched out any longer so I left it at that. *shrugs*
Disclaimer: They own themselves and I own myself. Fair enough.

He always had the unfortunate luck to watch TV programs that were either not to his taste or failed to capture his interest at all.

Kai continuously pressed the Channel Up button until the pad of his thumb was numb. Different scenes flashed before his eyes as he searched the numerous channels, hoping to find something to kill time until Reita arrived. It was only fifteen minutes before nine. He said that he would arrive at nine sharp.

Just when he had found the show of his choice (something about the most accident-prone roads in Japan), he heard his mobile phone ring. He flipped it open to find out he had received a new message from one of his old friends back in his hometown. He pressed the Read button and found the most unusual message.

“When you make a wish that will not come true, the sky will weep as its answer to you.”

Kai wanted to roll his eyes at the absurdity of it all but ended up snorting and smirking instead. He concluded that his friend was either clearing his Inbox and was mass forwarding the quote, or he just wanted to bother him because he thought he was busy with work.

Closing his phone and setting it aside, Kai turned his attention back to the television only to find out that they went on a commercial break. As he sang along to the more or less lively advertisement jingles of women’s beauty products, he couldn’t help having little afterthoughts regarding the message he read.

It was the kind of message that had a profound impact on an individual for at least ten seconds and then became completely forgotten. But he wasn’t Kai for nothing; he constantly forgot about things so after pondering on it for less than five minutes, his musings regarding it retreated to the farthest corner of his mind. Really, he would’ve appreciated it more if it was an inquiry of his well-being.

Kai glanced at the wall clock and saw that it was almost nine. Reita usually arrived earlier than the appointed time. What was taking him anyway?

His worries were temporarily forgotten when he decided to take a quick shower. He left the television on even after he got up from his place in the living room and entered the bathroom. He knew it was a waste of electricity but it wasn’t like he was home all the time to make the bill shoot up at an alarming rate. Plus, Kai felt a sense of comfort having some noise in his apartment. It sort of filled the empty and silent gap that usually family members, friends, or a special one would fill in.

As he closed the door and took off his clothes, Kai wished that Reita would arrive soon. They needed to sort out the rhythm of one of the songs they’ve been composing for weeks now. So, every minute counted-literally.

When Kai entered the shower, the time read 8:55 on his wristwatch (which he took off after taking a look at it). It didn’t cross his mind that it was time for the five-to-nine flash report on the channel he tuned in. Therefore, he missed the news about a particular accident regarding a motorbike and a six-wheeler truck in one of the busiest highways in Tokyo.

As the faucets were turned and lukewarm water came out from the showerhead, Kai also forgot that once an individual was bathing, all others sounds from the outside were and could be obscured by the running water. Therefore, he didn’t realize that it began to rain.


kai, reita, ficlet, friendship fic, gazette

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