Everyone on facebook was changing there profile pictures to Pokemon, and I didn't know why and felt to embarrassed to ask and so I decided it was high time I did some non productive work (if that makes sense)
So Gengar, Probably my favorite pokemon. I tell you, me and my Gengar have gotten each other through some tough times.
Hes also one sixth the reason my victory in the upcoming pokemon tournament is assured.
I really miss doing stuff like this, Its going to be great to have some more time for it soon.
But then collage will be over, and that will be upsetting. I'm on my Easter break now and was getting seriously bored and lonesome and I thought "ah well sure only another week and your back at collage" but then I thought "Yeah and then five more weeks and itll be like this again, except for the rest of your life" It can all be summed up in this picture
But thats just me bein stupid and I know that, cant be scared of change.
After many weeks of not coming out, Blazblue finally came out. At first I thought that only twelve characters was too limiting but after spending some time with them I much prefer having twelve extremely diverse and unique characters rather then 40 average ones, the fuckin tekken 5 roster is so cluttered with so many similar characters it really takes the teeth out of character choice.
But aside from everything Blazblue does right game play wise ( which trust me is fucking loads) What I love is how each characters personality comes through in the story and the fights, little touches like bangs theme song activating when he pulls off a super combo, taos erratic fighting style mirroring her personality, or carls bizzare relationship with the marionette he uses in combat.
Better then Street fighter 4? Way to early to tell. I will say this though, Blazblues cast of characters and general presentation does make Sf 4 look a little sterile by comparison, and not even Dan Hibiki can change my mind about that one.
Check out this awesome line test I of Noel ( shes awesome, but they all are):
FF 13
I have not formed n opinion on this game yet because I have not had the required 2 -3 hours per day it takes to play a final fantasy, and even when I sit down with it all I can think is "Shit, this is one sexy looking game".
Breaking Bad and Madmen
These Shows both get serious Awesome points for being in there third series and stil brilliant.
Thats all from me.