Apr 13, 2004 11:25
Today was an underaverage day. I'm overloaded with homework as usual, and a bad aura never seems to leave me alone. My braces were tightened and the pain in my lower jaw hurts tremendously. It's hard to concentrate , even as I type , because the pain is just so persistant. I'm longing for bed soon , so that the pain will finally end, well at least for the night. Before I started to type in this new journal program, I was doing my homework that is due on Thursday. The bad habit of procrastination has consumed me .. and well.. this habit needs to end. Although this contagious disease is not just affecting me , but my friends as well. So, I'm attempting to create a panacea , doing my homework earlier, so that it will leave and I can continue my senior and my college years with success. Yes, I am contradicting myself because I'm procrastinting this very moment, but I feel that I must write this to relieve the feelings running around in my head. School begins.. and everything seems great. The tension comes from during lunch. The Green Monster does return unexpectedly. Overhearing something at lunch really set the tone for the rest of the day , and caused great distraction for my final class of the day at school. Just hearing this monster speak of it... boils my blood. Now.. everytime I see this monster.. makes me want to become violent. If he wouldn't shown his face to me later on in the day, I swear that I would have been very tempted to knock his lights out. Just thinking about it now.. the feeling just burns up inside. Well... what can I do.. I made an alliance with this Green Monster, and have been betrayed. Things don't turn out the way they should, but that's life.. right..I just know, I never want to talk to " this friend " again.