I long for the touch of a women. My body aches for the gentle and smoothe skin of the female counterpart. Women are such beautiful creatures. They are the ultimate sign of perfection I think. I love the way they look and the way they talk to even how delicate they are. Like porcellin dolls. Ah, but alas. My heart is reluctant to trust them.
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So how have you been lately? I'm pretty much the same ol' same ol'. Still got my mohawk. Still got no job. Still got no money. But I'm lookin ya know. What else can I do. I dropped outta school also. They were sticking me in all these classes that I didn't need. So, anyways. Um, If you want you can call me anytime. It's still the same number. (210)366-3115. And don't worry if it's a belated birthday coment. It's all good. TTYL Kathy. Peace.
The Infamous Lord and Master To All That dwel underneath the everburning Son,
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