The Nightmare Begins (take 1256346125)

Jul 29, 2010 16:36

(ooc: Apologies for being a derpy newbie earlier and cluttering stuff up everywhere. I know better now. And knowing is half the battle)

[There were three things Tak was sure about. One, this was not her base. Two, these are not her clothes. And three, she has absolutely no idea how she got here.

Bolting straight out of not-her-bed, Tak takes a quick survey of her surroundings. Bed, dresser, nightstand; It looks exactly like the average human bedrooms she had studied while preparing for her invasion on Earth. Was she being kept a prisoner in someone’s house? The door was closed- likely locked from the outside.

Light pours in from a nearby window. There doesn’t seem to be bars on it- maybe she could break through it and get back to base? Outside, she can see people going about their business: collecting newspapers, watering the lawn, and so forth. She can probably walk around out there without raising too much alarm. I will get out of THIS cutesy nonsense first she thinks, starting to lift the frilly nightgown with a green hand--]
My disguise!!

[Tak shoots a panicked  look at the window, moving backwards away from it. Crap, crap, crap, her disguise, WHERE WAS HER DISGUISE?! Maybe she can just mind control the humans outside? No, her implant is missing too. Great.

Going outside isn’t an option now. She gives the door handle a jiggle; to her surprise, it opens. She slides out, creeping along a wall in case someone else was around.  Looking around for any means of escape, she spies a phone.  Perfect!

Glancing around for her captors once more, she snatches up the receiver]

MiMi! Are you there?! Come to my location immediately!
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