If you've been regularly checking the website, then you'll know that Bill has announced two Tinselworm preview dates in Ireland. Tickets for these go on general sale on Thursday at 9am, but there is an exclusive fan pre-sale for immediate booking. So, just for you, here is information on how to get hold of tickets:
On 31st October 2007, Bill will be at the Whitla Hall in Belfast. Tickets are £22.50. Pre-sale booking is via telephone only on 028 90 97 11 97.
Then on the 2nd November 2007, Bill is at the Olympia Theatre in Dublin. Tickets are priced between €36.60 and €38.60. Pre-sale booking is via the Ticketmaster website at:
www.ticketmaster.ie/promo/l1s686 The password, to be entered having clicked on the 'More Info' link on the above page, is TINSEL.
If you can't make either of those dates, then you might be interested to know that tickets are now on sale for a third show in Manchester, on the 13th November, and there are still tickets available at some other venues.
Information and booking is on the
Tour Details page of the website.