Oct 30, 2007 11:23
lets see...
got a couple of shows this week - boston on friday at the middle east, and ny on saturday at silent barn. lori is taking the train up to ny to hang out and i hope to see a lot of friends.
trying to get the shirley (under 10 wks old) and clara (2 yrs) to be buddies. theyve been in separate rooms so they can get used to each others scents, and we've been mixing them in the living room for a little bit at a time. clara just kind of stays put, and the little one runs around. clara hisses when shirley gets too close, but shirley totally taunts her, trying to get as close as possible. clara swiped at her yesterday. this is extremely stressful for me.
have any of you mixed 2 cats? our apt isnt huge, so theres not much room for them to completely avoid each other.