Oct 18, 2005 23:36
hey hey! watsup?? so its been a while. things are crazy, wat can i say.
i just got off the phone with my sister.. we wer venting so im kinda still in that mindframe... (sorry!)
ok so like this past month or so has been a total whirlwind of emotions and craziness. everything seems to be out of my control and i hate that! i find myself not happy about anything anymore. and i really try to be, i just cant sometimes. im stretched in like a thousand different directions and im not real sure where im supposed to be right now. actually im not real sure bout much. i'm always anxious and so scared of the future, sinse i kno wats coming eventually. and i dont kno how ill handle things after all this plays out. but we'll see. cant be the end of the world, although it feels like it sometimes.
and my best friend in the whole world has disowned me! no not really but i do feel like a part of me is missing because i dont have him anymore. i feared htis would happen when he left but i didnt kno it would be like this. i wish i could just tlak to him like we used to. (once again trying to live in the past!) but i need him and i didnt realize how much i did til now. he listened and now its pretty lonely w/o him to even just do that. and so i just keep it all inside. feels pretty good.
on a lighter note, windy gap is this weekend~!!! so f'n exited!!!! lots of time for reflection, so hopefully He'll gimme some answers! it should be really fun tho. im so exited if u cant tell.
anywho i think im on my way to bed sinse i didnt do ANY homework and its 12. way to slack off. doing so well in school :) nite nite
-love to all-
♥ fal