Oct 09, 2004 22:30
I spent 4 hours today with the band, waiting for the Marines to come home to their families. I was really ok with it. Typical band trip, chaperoning a bunch on mischievious asshole kids, not being able to say anything to keep them in line. SSDD. But then the buses came in, and the troops came running out, guns, bags, everything, desperately in search of family they hadn't seen in far too long. The band played Semper Fi and a roar went up from the crowd and I tried to keep the batteries in my camera alive long enough to snap a few photos here and there. What I captured tore at my heart and I started to think of all the young men I've lost track of that have been fighting for us. The young men I grew up with. Some of them whom I've loved on a multitude of levels. I started crying. Like a woman, I started crying, watching men hug their baby daughters while they carried rifles on their backs. Fathers hugging sons, mothers and wives trying to see over the crowd to find their soldier.
Never have I stood anywhere with so much emotion. For someone usually so calused I feel so drained. No longer capable of showing any form of emotion for the night. Hollow.. that's it. I feel hollow.
Strange thing is, on the way there we got stuck in traffic because of a big accident. The buses that were supposed to be picking up the troops had wrecked on their way to the airport. The plane from Pendelton to Springfield had been delayed also, causing families and friends (and band memebers) to wait hours before hearing any news about where their boys were...
Ontop of all that I did my gig for a birthday party today. I'm fairly exhausted. Good thing everyone decided to stay home tonight. I don't think I could handle anything else.
CAUTION:The next few lines are not for the faint of heart or weak of stomach. Read at your own risk...
Nostalgic sappy moment::
For those who have touched my life and made me who I am today, thank you. I love you more then I'll ever let show and I hope you know that I will carry you with me always.