bye bye school, I cant say that I'll miss you.

May 28, 2004 17:19

Hoorah! no more school for me!!!!!! Just gotta get my exams over with and I'll be sorted. It's so cool that I never have to go to lessons in croesy ever again. But... I will miss everyone. Lunch time was odd, Saz pushed Rhi off her chair into a radiator by accident, Richard hurt his jaw when avoiding a fork which Lewis had thrown at him, I said good bye to mrs Parry, who told us that the listening group has fallen apart and that we were the only ones who got it going I hope starts again next year.

After school I went to organise two weeks work experience in north road infants, it's sorted. *horrah!* (can you tell that I'm in a silly mood by all the hoorah's?)

I've been re reading Harry Potter and the prisoner of azkaban, I've just finished it. Even though I've read it twice before it was still great. I love that book! I want to start reading the fourth book again but I'm worried that I wont revise properly, I chose the books over revision :S thats not good right?

I've got a horrid cough cos I've been ill, it's driving me mad. it's preventing me from sleeping, I got 5 and a half hrs sleep last night cos of it :( I'm going to have to book an appointment with the doctors me thinks.

any way I'd best be off, my boyfriend is expecting me over his soon. bye bye everyone.
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