May 22, 2004 12:27
I went out to Tj's last night because H needed cheering up. We got taken to npt at 7.30 then me and H went to the Meeze (sp?) lounge to meet Beth and Zara, coctails were drank and lots of catching up had, It was ace to see Beth and H again and OJ joined us at one point. We stayed there till about 9, then to Tj's where more drinks were drank including some late birthday drinks, thanks Ian. Lots of talking to people who I havent seen in ages and hugs were gained. I had a great time! it was especially good to see Claire and Amy *hugs* and I had fun dancing to lots of songs with lots of people. I think I had drank a bit too much by 12 so I had to stop, but it was cool. I had a really good night and cant wait to see everyone again... although Dean took 14 pills!!!!!! loads of people were on pills it's fucking rediculous, I mean do they really need drugs to have fun?
*hugs to everyone I saw last night*
sorry it's brief, I have to go to work now *sigh*
Bye bye