Top 10 Celebrity Crushes

Feb 15, 2007 18:59

Yay for my new layout at insanityy And YAY! My parents are finally coming home tonight, after 2 weeks on a business travel
My cooking skills are getting better but nothing compares to a meal cooked by my mom/dad! And sometimes, they're the only ones who can actually handle things... Especially with my sister, 'cause well.. we are sisters and even when I'm in charge here, my authority is not so intimidating

1) List your top 10 celebrity crushes.
2) Put all of them IN ORDER of your lust for them (10 to 1, 1 being your number one fixation).
3) Say which movie/show/thing it was that hooked you.
4) Supply photos for said people
5) Tag five people - Everybody ;)

10. Hayden Christensen (25)

After I watched Star Wars III I could only talk and search about Hayden: my desktop, lots of videos and pictures! He's cute, has a beautiful body (aw his hair!) and I hope to watch him soon on the big screen ;)

9. Chad Michael Murray (25)

I don't remember when was the first time I saw him.. ah! Gilmore Girls! But I just noticed him after watching "House of Wax" and One Tree Hill, of course. He's not really my type but there's something about him...

8. Daniel Radcliffe (17)

Dan! I love this guy since 2001! I know he was just a kid back then but cute already!
He's growing up very very well and I bet he'll look so handsome as these other guys here!

7. Leonardo DiCaprio (32)

He was my first celebrity crush *-* I watched "The Basketball Diaries" and after "Romeo + Juliet" I became a fan ^^ Such a great and gorgeous actor! "Catch Me If You Can" is one of my favorites (y)

6. Milo Ventimiglia (29)

I love him as Jess (Gilmore Girls) and now as Peter (Heroes)! He's an awesome actor 'cause you can feel his angry, misery, passion.. while watching a scene. I love everything about him: his lips *-* his voice, that sarcastic look he used to do on Gilmore Girls.. I can believe he's 29!

5. Tom Welling (29)

He's the hottest Clark Kent ever ;) He has a perfect² body, pretty eyes and look at his smile *dies* A couple of years ago I was so obsessed I had a picture of him in my wallet! Now it's in my drawer xD

4. Jake Gyllenhaal (26)

I went crazy about him after watching "Brokeback Mountain" for the 2nd time - he was brilliant! My sister and I were talking about Jake all the time! I've seen almost every movie he's done! (the list is not that long but still) I love how funny he is with everybody :) You know when you can't stop laughing?! And then you look at him and he's like "Why are you laughing so much?! I'm not THAT funny.."

3. Jensen Ackles (29 on March 1st)

How the hell I didn't notice him on Smallville? I mean, I thought "Oh another hot guy in the show!" but I didn't Google him and all the stuff I usually do ¬¬ Whatever. Jensen is made of awesome, really. One word: LIPS. Can anyone resist?! I'd say I'm envious but my lips are quite the same \o\ And his voice is something ;) It's powerful and funny at the same time. Almost forgot about the freckles *-* So much love!

2. Jared Leto (35)

What's up with these guys? Would you say he's 35?! My obsession happened really fast: I watched "Lord Of War" and there he was! OMG I don't have words for Jared... He's simply amazing! I love his movies and of course, 30 Seconds To Mars ;) I don't know if he can act better than sing or vice-versa ^_^ I just love everything he does!

1. Jared Padalecki (24)

Obsessed much? Well look at my username! Jensen once said that "This guy is smokin hot!" And I totally second that ;) Of course the first time I saw him was on Gilmore Girls LOL (great source of hot guys, huh) I thought he was cute, period. I started to love him after Supernatural \o\ Mostly because he's hot as hell but also because I know more about him now. Like the fact he loves to be with his family and other stuff that makes him such a nice guy. And the fans! He seems very flattered when someone stops him to take a picture or something. I have a thing with smiles and Jared has an absolutely perfect one! Do I need to mention his body?!

personal: diary, new layout, language: english, personal: meme

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