
Jan 12, 2007 18:08

Since my obsession with Jared Leto started, I'm always watching something related to him - like yesterday, when I watched Urban Legend, again. But lately I'm really into My So-Called Life
It's sad the show has only 1 season when it should have at least 4, in my opinion. You know when you're watching something and you laugh or cry with the characters because you see yourself in that same situation? My So-Called Life does that to me, more than other teen shows. I mean, The OC is was cool³, but was totally different from my life. Even a little unreal sometimes, if you allow me to say. I think I'm like Felicity sometimes, but well, I'm not in college yet so I can't feel exactly as she does. I took the cutest² part from one of the episodes and edited to show you
It's only 3:31 minutes, so watch it and I bet you won't regret!

1. Potions or Charms?
Charms. It must be great to learn and practise - and more useful in real life ;D

2. Inferi or Boggarts?
Boggarts. They're interesting and should be nicier than Inferi (y)

3. Beauxbatons or Durmstrang?
I'll take Durmstrang just because of the boys xD~

4. Arthur or Molly?
Arthur. He's cool! Molly is annoying sometimes :x

5. Sir Nicholas or The Fat Lady?
The Fat Lady. She can be funny and furious at the same time!

1. Favorite cereal and why?
Any with chocolate or honey. Because it tastes good LOL

2. What is the best thing about summer?
Relax and forget about everything stressing.

3. Would you rather have a slurpee or a milkshake?

4. If you could be a member of any band/musical group, past or present, what band would it be and why?
Definitely Spice Girls! Because they were the first group I was fan³ of. I even covered them in a birthday party years ago \o\ I was Emma Bunton ^^ I'm not blonde (none of the girls were) but I had that short/tight dress and those high shoes. Good old times!

5. Who is your idol? What are they famous for?
Christina Aguilera: she's famous for being a (great) singer and an awesome² woman.
Jared Leto: he's famous for being actor/singer and more, he's good doing both.

videos, personal: my thoughts: my so-called life, personal: the friday five, language: english

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