Right, so here's the thing. It can go both ways! Have you heard the song Broken Heels by Alexandra Burke? It pisses me off, because something women don't get sometimes is that Sexism goes both ways
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I agree for the most part. I mean, yeah TECHNICALLY the only thing women cant do is produce sperm and the only thing men can't do is bear children, but women now act like all men are jerks and scum and its ridiculous.
The problem is women were repressed in the past so now women think they get to be treated with a higher standard because their grandmother/mother/great-grandmother had her rights infringed on and/or was treated differently in society.
... And to be honest the ONLY time a man can treat a woman unfairly is when she lets him. Sadly, men dont have that leisure because if a woman treats him like shit and he says something about it he's labeled 'sexist' but the woman can say whatever she wants and she would NEVER be called a sexist, just a feminist.
It's really unfair. And not just on the everyday 'men only think with their penis' level either. My best friend in school, she had a single father because when she was 13 (just after we'd become best friends) her mother randomly up and left them. He never got a CENT of child-support money from her because when he went to try and sue her for child support, they basically told him that even though he was the single parent who deserved it, the court would sympathise with the mother basically just because she had a vagina. It's really ridiculous. ANd then what happened? 5 years after she ran out on them he dies of a heart attack, leaving his 17 year old daughter parentless and it came out that he KNEW he had heart problems but didnt tell my friend about them because he knew that he didnt have the money to afford doctors visits and medications and if she found out she would try and stress herself out hoping to find him help.
... not directly, but in a roundabout way my friend's dad DIED in relation to having a penis.
... that really pissed me off. And even then, i know a woman my mom used to work with who LEFT HER KIDS AT HOME ALONE TO GO PARTY and yet she won FULL custody and hefty child support because the court thought that kids belonged with their mother. This man tried for years to get custody of his kids and in the end all that happened was he lost what little custody he had to the point that he resorted to sneaking his oldest daughter money to buy clothes for them when he got SUPERVISED visits every other weekend because he knew that his child support checks were going to his ex-wife's drinking and partying.
.. i'm not saying men are never to blame and i'm not saying all women are to blame, but I have always had issues with the double standards like that. It makes me sick.
Sorry it took me so long to reply to this. :D Do you realise that your comment is like probably longer than my post? I totally agree with you. It is so unfair when women get more custody rights then men because they are women. Though you dont hear about it as much in The United Kingdom than in America so I dont have any personal experience of it. Still, it is way unfair.
It's a hard topic to discuss because there are a lot of variables involved. You know what I mean? Ugh, its just so digusting when people are judgmental like that without any reason. Though people argue that that's just the way they've been brought up, and it is partly a subconscienous thing but that's not an excuse!
Anyway, I totally agree with you. It is so unjust and unfair.
The problem is women were repressed in the past so now women think they get to be treated with a higher standard because their grandmother/mother/great-grandmother had her rights infringed on and/or was treated differently in society.
... And to be honest the ONLY time a man can treat a woman unfairly is when she lets him. Sadly, men dont have that leisure because if a woman treats him like shit and he says something about it he's labeled 'sexist' but the woman can say whatever she wants and she would NEVER be called a sexist, just a feminist.
It's really unfair. And not just on the everyday 'men only think with their penis' level either. My best friend in school, she had a single father because when she was 13 (just after we'd become best friends) her mother randomly up and left them. He never got a CENT of child-support money from her because when he went to try and sue her for child support, they basically told him that even though he was the single parent who deserved it, the court would sympathise with the mother basically just because she had a vagina. It's really ridiculous. ANd then what happened? 5 years after she ran out on them he dies of a heart attack, leaving his 17 year old daughter parentless and it came out that he KNEW he had heart problems but didnt tell my friend about them because he knew that he didnt have the money to afford doctors visits and medications and if she found out she would try and stress herself out hoping to find him help.
... not directly, but in a roundabout way my friend's dad DIED in relation to having a penis.
... that really pissed me off. And even then, i know a woman my mom used to work with who LEFT HER KIDS AT HOME ALONE TO GO PARTY and yet she won FULL custody and hefty child support because the court thought that kids belonged with their mother. This man tried for years to get custody of his kids and in the end all that happened was he lost what little custody he had to the point that he resorted to sneaking his oldest daughter money to buy clothes for them when he got SUPERVISED visits every other weekend because he knew that his child support checks were going to his ex-wife's drinking and partying.
.. i'm not saying men are never to blame and i'm not saying all women are to blame, but I have always had issues with the double standards like that. It makes me sick.
It's a hard topic to discuss because there are a lot of variables involved. You know what I mean? Ugh, its just so digusting when people are judgmental like that without any reason. Though people argue that that's just the way they've been brought up, and it is partly a subconscienous thing but that's not an excuse!
Anyway, I totally agree with you. It is so unjust and unfair.
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