Wow I can't believe how long it has been since I used my journal. I guess I got caught up in the whole Facebook thing as well. Lots of things have gone on and some are still ongoing.
In February of this year, my mom was hospitalized with a terrible caseof pneumonia. After spending 3 weeks in the hospital, they finally let her go home to finish recovering. As time went on, she was not getting any better. If anything she kept getting worse and worse. She went to her doctor several times telling him that something was just not right. He kept telling her that he couldn't find anything and to just give it time and she would get better. Finally in June mom told him that she wanted him to put her in the hospital and didn't want to be released until they found out what was wrong.
In June she was diagnosed with Stage 4 Small Cell Lung Cancer that had spread to the Liver. He told her that without chemo she would probably have 3 to 6 months and with chemo she would have 9 to 12 months. Of course with mom, that was a no brainer. There was no way she wouldn't take the chemo.
It scares me more than I can tell you. We all know that chances are, we will outlive our parents but when you are actually told that you might only have a year, it just does something to you. I have always been very close to my mom and I seriously just can't imagine my life without her in it. The kids have had a really hard time dealing with it. They have seen her at least once every day of their lives and they just don't know what to do. for a while, Adam had nightmares and Courtney would just cry at the drop of a hat. They are handling it better now and we all know that when we plan to do something together, there will be no more waiting cause we never know how much time we have.
She just recently finished the 3rd round of chemo and went today for a full body scan to see what the chemo has accomplished. She will get those results on Tuesday. It scares me waiting. I have all those crazy questions running through my head like, has it spread, has the chemo really been killing it off like it is supposed too? It is just scary. She is the first person I call every morning and I talk to her before she goes to bed every night. All we can do is continue to pray and hope that God sees fit to heal her and let her hang around a while longer. I will update more tomorrow, typing all of this has brought it all back for me again and it is really hard to see through tears.
Love to all!