Title: These Scars Bear Who You Are
Author: xrosepetalsx insanityplays
Rating: Pg-13
Pairing: KRY (Kyuhyun/Ryeowook/Yesung)
Characters: KRY
Summary: Kyuhyun hates his scars.
Warning: Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Disclaimer: I do not own.
These Scars Bear Who You Are )
And oh.. Oh.. I'm crying. I really am... This was just too beautiful <3 Kyuhyun's hatred of the scars a Ryeowook and Yesung's reasons to love them. When both of them started talking about why they are good, I couldn't help but cry. And feel grateful that Kyuhyun is still alive. I'm so glad he survived.
And now my mind is in the gutter again. :D
/huggles you Awww, I'm sorry I made you cry, but I'm so glad you liked this. And Yewook love Kyuhyun so much, how could they not comfort him and love his scars as they do? <33
LOLOL I ended it near porn xD I think everyone's mind belongs in the gutter no :P
-huggles back- I think this might be one of my favorite pieces now. Actually, it is. This and your KyuWook one. -nods- It's okay that I cried. It means it moved me :DD
LOL!! You did. Porn is good, though 8DDD everyone's mind DOES belong in the gutter, haha.
Really? 8D They're some of my favorites too xD <3
You did amazing on both of them~ <3 I luff them.
Thank you!
You're absolutely welcome :D when I get home, I plan on reading the rest of your fics 8D
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