Falling: Too Much Rain

Aug 14, 2011 16:05

Title: Falling: Too Much Rain
Characters: Mycroft/Lestrade
Prompt: # 33 Too Much
Word Count: 524
Spoilers: None
Rating: PG [so far]
Summary: Lestrade is different.
Disclaimer: I am good at football and have five children...


Too Much Rain

The aching between my shoulder blades was nothing new, but hell I what I would give for a good massage right about now. Of course, with my current location I would have to do without. I rubbed my neck, trying to get relief, no dice. God must hate me.

You know all those dreams where you can fly? I don’t have those, I have dreams where I am falling. Falling into the pit of Hell and no one cares enough to save me. That’s what scares me the most, knowing that I have no one.

I was forced out of my thoughts by Donovan’s shrill voice; Sherlock must be here. I hear her spit out a ‘Freak’, Sherlock said something and she huffed away. Serves her right, he’s not the freak here, if she only knew. ..Thank God she didn’t. God seemed to be a permanent fixture in my life.

“Male, thirty years old.-” It’s not like Sherlock was listening to me, he probably already knew what I was rattling off to him. I don’t know why I even try anymore. “His throat was cut…but that’s the problem, there is no blood.” I led Sherlock and Dr. John Watson into the room where the man was killed. It looked like he was mauled by a bear, but I knew that wasn’t the case. Drained of blood, I knew what I wanted it to be. I wanted it to be something extraordinary, but I knew deep down that nothing like that existed. There was no such thing as vampires.

There was no such thing as me either, but here I am.

Sherlock walked around the room, he looked like an idiot but I could almost hear his brain working on overdrive to try and take in every detail of the death.

I rubbed the back of my neck again and palmed the bottle of pain relievers in my coat pocket. If only I can wait a little while longer…
“A first time adulterer, he still has his wedding band on his finger. Office worker, three children, a runner.” Sherlock turned to me, “Look for the wife and tell me when you find something.” He brush past me and walked out of the room with a flourish, John right behind him like a puppy. He didn’t say anything about the lack of blood.

I felt another surge of ache when I was walking downstairs. Today was not a good day, I wonder why my shoulders were aching so bad? Maybe it was some unknown curse that was put on me at birth. Only I would be that lucky.

The one thing I learned about life is that it’s never easy. I learned this simple fact when I was fourteen and with my first girlfriend. I stupidly thought we would be together forever…and one day I just decided to show her my secret. Needless to say she freaked out and I didn’t see her afterwards. I don’t think she told anyone that I was different, that I had two things growing from my back that weren’t supposed to be there.

And then it started to rain.

Part 2 >

sherlock100, mycroft/lestrade, rating:pg

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